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How to combine duplicate rows in R?


I'm using R to create a data frame with several duplicate columns. I'd like to consolidate all of the duplicated columns into a single column. How to do this in R?

Note 1 : When I build dataframes with multiple columns, R adds numbers to the names of the repeated columns by default.

Note 2: I am looking for code that will work with the columns regardless of their order.


# Create the data frame.
emp.data <- data.frame(
  emp_name = c("Rick","Dan","Michelle","Ryan","Gary"),
  salary = c(623.3,515.2,611.0,729.0,843.25), 
  salary = c(700.3,600.2,721.0,730.5,845.4), 
  emp_name = c("Kevin","Tracy","Thompson","Peter","Bevan"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Print the data frame.         

current result

         emp_name   salary   salary.1 emp_name.1
         Rick       623.3    700.3    Kevin
         Dan        515.20   600.2    Tracey
         Michelle   611.00   721.0    Thompson
         Ryan       729.00   730.5    Peter
         Gary       843.25   845.4    Bevan

Expected output

       emp_name   salary   
         Rick       623.3    
         Dan        515.20   
         Michelle   611.00   
         Ryan       729.00   
         Gary       843.25   
         Kevin      700.3
         Tracey     600.2
         Thompson   721.0
         Peter      730.5
         Bevan      845.4

CodePudding user response:

You may use split.default to split data into list of dataframes based on it's column names. unlist each dataframe into vector and then you can create a single column from it.

data.frame(lapply(split.default(emp.data, names(emp.data)), unlist), row.names = NULL)

#   emp_name salary
#1      Rick 623.30
#2       Dan 515.20
#3  Michelle 611.00
#4      Ryan 729.00
#5      Gary 843.25
#6     Kevin 700.30
#7     Tracy 600.20
#8  Thompson 721.00
#9     Peter 730.50
#10    Bevan 845.40

Another option using pivot_longer from tidyr -

tidyr::pivot_longer(emp.data, cols = everything(), names_to = '.value')


To create dataframe with the same column names you can add check.names = FALSE in data.frame call.

emp.data <- data.frame(
  emp_name = c("Rick","Dan","Michelle","Ryan","Gary"),
  salary = c(623.3,515.2,611.0,729.0,843.25), 
  salary = c(700.3,600.2,721.0,730.5,845.4), 
  emp_name = c("Kevin","Tracy","Thompson","Peter","Bevan"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE

CodePudding user response:

I'm not a huge fan of this solution but it works and should scale.

emp.data %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("emp_name"), names_to = "ename", values_to = "emp_name") %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("salary"), names_to = "sname", values_to  = "salary") %>%
  filter(replace_na(parse_number(ename),0) == replace_na(parse_number(sname), 0)) %>%
  select(-ename, -sname)

NB requires tidyr for parse_number

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