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How to change the current directory using .bat file in Windows PowerShell?


I am learning Windows PowerShell and I am struggling with the very basic task, how to create a .bat file to change the current directory? The simple .bat file with cd mydir inside worked well using cmd.exe, but it does not work in PowerShell:

PS C:\Users\ET\test> dir

    Directory: C:\Users\ET\test

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        01/10/2021     10:57                mydir
-a----        01/10/2021     10:58             10 changeDir.bat

PS C:\Users\ET\test> type changeDir.bat
cd mydir
PS C:\Users\ET\test> .\changeDir.bat

C:\Users\ET\test>cd mydir
PS C:\Users\ET\test>

You see that my current directory has not changed after executing the .bat file. Works as expected using cmd.exe:


C:\Users\ET\test>cd mydir


CodePudding user response:

Because a batch file (.bat, .cmd) runs in a child process (via cmd.exe), you fundamentally cannot change PowerShell's current directory with it.

  • This applies to all calls that run in a child process, i.e. to all external-program calls and calls to scripts interpreted by a scripting engine other than PowerShell itself.
  • While the child process' working directory is changed, this has no effect on the caller (parent process), and there is no built-in mechanism that would allow a given process to change its parent's working directory (which would be a treacherous feature).

The next best thing is to make your .bat file echo (output) the path of the desired working directory and pass the result to PowerShell's Set-Location cmdlet.

# Assuming that `.\changeDir.bat` now *echoes* the path of the desired dir.
Set-Location -LiteralPath (.\changeDir.bat)

A simplified example that simulates output from a batch file via a cmd /c call:

Set-Location -LiteralPath (cmd /c 'echo %TEMP%')

If you're looking for a short convenience command that navigates to a given directory, do not use a batch file - use a PowerShell script or function instead; e.g.:

function myDir { Set-Location -LiteralPath C:\Users\ET\test\myDir }

Executing myDir then navigates to the specified directory.

You can add this function to your $PROFILE file, so as to automatically make it available in future sessions.

CodePudding user response:

try the following

$scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
Write-host "running in directory $dir"
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