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rails custom validation method not being called


I created accept_waiver endpoint that allows user to sign a gym waiver. The next step is adding validation method :sign_only_one_waiver in the Gym model that validates user is just accepting only one waiver but the method is not being called.

I added on: :create so the validation will run when the relationship UserGymWaiver is created, which means that user has signed a waiver but still creates the relationship even if errors exist.


class Gym < ApplicationRecord
  include PgSearch::Model

  validate :sign_only_one_waiver, on: :create
  enum tier: {
    standard: 'standard',
    premium: 'premium'

  has_many :gym_amenities, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :amenities, through: :gym_amenities

  reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude

  pg_search_scope :search,
                  against: [
                  using: {
                    tsearch: {prefix: true}

  def sign_only_one_waiver
    user_waiver_collection = UserGymWaiver.where(gym_id: self.gym_id)
    errors.add(:gym, "you can only sign one waiver") if user_waiver_collection.count > 1


class Api::V1::GymsController < ApplicationController

  before_action :load_gym, only: %i[accept_waiver]

  def accept_waiver
    gym_waiver = GymWaiver.find_by(gym_id: @gym.id)
    waiver_signed_by_user = UserGymWaiver.create!(user_id: current_user.id,
                                                 gym_id: gym_waiver.gym_id)
    render json: UserGymWaiverBlueprint.render(waiver_signed_by_user, root: :data)


  def load_gym
    @gym = Gym.find(params[:id])

CodePudding user response:

The validation is in the Gym model, but you are creating a UserGymWaiver, so this code belongs in the UserGymWaiver model!

You could probably also solve it with a uniqueness validation and a scope, you can only allow one waiver per gym per user, you can find more info here:


It could look something like this:

class UserGymWaiver < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :gym
  belongs_to :user

  validates :user, uniqueness: { scope: :gym,
    message: "you can only sign one waiver per gym" }
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