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Object Property named with ? not working inside map in Angular


I am new to Angular, the job.job_company_companyName, the job.job_company.location and the job.jobTitle, both of them work/can be searched on based on the filter: But when I added the object of Jobs with question mark (?) for example: job.job_details?.jobCountry and job.job_details?.jobCity? they are not being filtered, the 3 upper lines are being filtered except the two lines below. What do you think I should do to make this thing work? what to change why isn't the property with the question mark not working properly. Any Ideas? would appreciate it much!

here's my search.component.ts

this.filteredList$ = combineLatest(this.list$, this.filter$).pipe(
  map(([jobs, filterString]) =>jobs.filter(job => 
    job.job_company.companyName.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
    job.jobTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
    job.job_company.location.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
    job.job_details?.jobCountry.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ||
    job.job_details?.jobCity?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1 
  tap(filtered => {
    this.allJobs = filtered;
    return this.jobsChunk = filtered.slice(0, 9)

Heres jobs.model.ts

export interface Jobs {
  jobsId: string;
  jobTitle: string;
  job_details?: JobDetails;
  job_package: JobPackage;
  job_status: JobStatus;
  job_company: CompanyProfile;
  createdDate?: string;

export interface JobDetails {
  jobCity?: string;
  jobCountry: string;
  jobType: string;
  jobCategory: string;
  jobTags: string[];
  jobDescription: string;

export interface CompanyProfile {
  companyName: string;
  location: string; 

CodePudding user response:

You have an issue with the condition implementations, in that case:

job.job_details?.jobCity?.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1

If job_details or jobCity are undefined, the comparation will be undefined !== -1, and it will be true.

A simple approach will be to use the > -1 instead of !== -1 condition.

Or check the property before:

job.job_details?.jobCity && job.job_details.jobCity.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString.toLowerCase()) !== -1
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