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Difference between __proto__ and [[ Prototype ]] in javascript


I've read and tried understanding other answers similar to this question as well (like this one), But still the concept of prototypal inheritance is not very clear to me. and right now the thing that's confusing me the most is, that what is the actual difference between __proto__ and [[ Prototype ]]? As far as I've been able to understand is that [[ Prototype ]] is an "internal linkage that ties one object to another". But it gets ambiguous when I see a tutorial on youtube, because whenever they create an object and if they try to log it using console.log in their browser's console then it actually has the __proto__ property in it but when I try to do the same it outputs [[ Prototype ]] instead. So I'd like to know why is it so? and what is an "internal link"? Thanks in advance! :) Below's the code that outputs "[[ Prototype ]]" in chrome and "<prototype>" in firefox.

function User(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

const user = new User("Someone", "Something");


CodePudding user response:

The double square bracket notation comes from the ECMAScript specification where it always refers to an internal entity (field, attribute, slot,...) but is not a notation you can use in JavaScript code. It is information for the implementer of the language and helps to precisely define the behaviour of the language.

In a console you may see information represented with these double brackets, as is the case in the Chrome console. Firefox uses a different notation: <prototype>.

Now to the core of your question. The link between an object and its prototype object is not an own JavaScript property of that object. It is an internal slot:

Internal slots correspond to internal state that is associated with objects and used by various ECMAScript specification algorithms. Internal slots are not object properties and they are not inherited.

You can get the prototype object via .__proto__, but that __proto__ property is a getter on the Object.prototype object. So that is like running in circles: when you write obj.__proto__, the engine needs to know what the prototype chain is before it can find that __proto__ value for you, since it needs to get it via inheritance -- it is not a property of obj itself. And to find the inheritance link the engine will use the internal "slot" [[Prototype]].

CodePudding user response:

Each object's prototype is saved in the internal slot named as [[prototype]] and __proto__is just a getter/setter, defined in the Object.prototype object, to get the value of the [[prototype]] internal slot of any object.


const arr = [];

Each instance of an array gets Array.prototype as its prototype.

So, in the above declaration of arr, [[prototype]] internal slot contains a reference to Array.prototype.

arr.__proto__ === Array.prototype  // true

In the above statement,arr.__proto__ gets the Array.prototype object from the internal [[prototype]] slot.

As mentioned above, __proto__ is just a getter/setter that gets the value of [[prototype]] internal slot and is only there for compatibility reasons. It shouldn't be used in modern javascript code; following two methods should be used to set/get the prototype of any object:

There are other internal slots, apart from [[prototype]], mentioned in the Ecmascript specification and these internal slots are not accessible by the javascript code we write.

If you need to know more about internal slots, read:

What is an "internal slot" of an object in JavaScript?

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