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How to do a conditional $lookup in MongoDB


I have three collections: A,B,C.

A has a property named a, which is a ref id in B or C.

What I want to do is, look up in B first, if nothing found, then look up in C.

Something like this:

            from: 'B',
            localField: 'a',
            foreignField: '_id',
            as: 'temp'
            path: '$temp', 
            preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true 
            if: 'temp not exist',      <! just demonstrate !>
            from: 'C',
            localField: 'a',
            foreignField: '_id',
            as: 'temp'

I don't know how to implement this. Can someone help? Thanks.

CodePudding user response:

I don't think we can do conditional pipeline stages(we can do conditional operators but not stages), based on information we have while the query is running.

*if we had the information while writting the query we could generate the query dynamically and include a stage or not

But you can use $lookup with a pipeline, and add this filter, like if temp is empty array (meaning no join happened), to join only then.

I dont see a reason to do the unwind in the middle, make the 2 lookups and do it after.


  • do the first lookup
  • second lookup is pipeline with filter that requires first lookup temp array to be empty
    (if you keep the unwind in the middle use this {"$eq": [{"$type": "$temp"}, "missing"]} instead of the empty check)
  • keeps as temp, the temp or tempC depending who is not empty
  • unset the tempC
  • does the unwind now (join before unwind is faster i think, its less documents), also you want first to find the join members and then unwind
[ {"$lookup": 
    {"from": "B", "localField": "a", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "temp"}},
    {"from": "C",
      "let": {"a": "$a", "temp": "$temp"},
            {"$and": [{"$eq": ["$temp", []]}, {"$eq": ["$a", "$_id"]}]}}}],
      "as": "tempC"}},
  {"$set": {"temp": {"$cond": [{"$eq": ["$temp", []]}, "$tempC", "$temp"]}}},
  {"$unset": ["tempC"]},
  {"$unwind": {"path": "$temp", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true}}])
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