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accessing child class attributes from parent static methods in pydantic models


Given a pydantic BaseModel class defined as follows:

from typing import List, Optional
from uuid import uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from server.database import get_db

class Campaign(BaseModel):
    id: Optional[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    name: str

    async def all() -> List:
        ret = get_db()['campaigns'].find()
        return [Campaign(**i) async for i in ret]

    async def get(id):
        ret = await get_db()['campaigns'].find_one({'id': id})
        return Campaign(**ret)

    async def save(self):
        await get_db()['campaigns'].insert_one(self.dict())

    async def update(self, **kwargs):
        await get_db()['campaigns'].update_one(
            {'id': self.id},
            {'$set': kwargs},

As you can see from the above model defination that the functions [all, get, save, update] can be universal for multiple CRUD models like as follows:

class Record(BaseModel):
    async def all() -> List:
        ret = get_db()['records'].find()
        return [Record(**i) async for i in ret]

    async def save(self):

class Fragment(BaseModel):
    async def all() -> List:
        ret = get_db()['fragments'].find()
        return [Fragment(**i) async for i in ret]

    async def save(self):

Across all these methods of different classes the only change is the name of the MongoDB collection. Right now, I am copy pasting this code multiple times for different models.

Is there any generic solution so that I can encapsulate the definition of these methods under a single base class and hopefully follow the DRY principle (as opposed to blatantly breaking it right now).

One such code configuration can be:

class BaseDBModel(BaseModel):
    async def save(self):
        await get_db()[self.__class__.Meta.collection_name].insert_one(self.dict())

    async def update(self, **kwargs):
        await get_db()[self.__class__.Meta.collection_name].update_one(
            {'id': self.id},
            {'$set': kwargs},

class Campaign(BaseDBModel):
    id: Optional[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    name: str

    class Meta:
        collection_name = 'campaigns'

But, this code will only work for instance methods (i.e. save, update) and would not work for static methods like all and get. I am unsure as to how a parent class staticmethod will go about accessing the Meta class of the children in python?

Any suggestions or improvements on the above approach would be appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

The static methods should be class methods instead, so that the class invoking the method is passed as the first argument. For example,

class BaseDBModel(BaseModel):

    async def all(cls) -> List:
        ret = get_db()[cls.Meta.collection_name].find()
        return [class(**i) async for i in ret]

    async def get(id):
        ret = await get_db()[cls.Meta.collection_name]({'id': id})
        return class(**ret)

    async def save(self):
        await get_db()[self.Meta.collection_name].insert_one(self.dict())

    async def update(self, **kwargs):
        await get_db()[self.Meta.collection_name].update_one(
            {'id': self.id},
            {'$set': kwargs},

class Campaign(BaseDBModel):
    id: Optional[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    name: str
    class Meta:
        collection_name = 'campaigns'

class Record(Campaign):
    class Meta:
        collection_name = 'records'

class Fragment(Campaign):
    class Meta:
        collection_name = 'fragments'

(It's not clear if Record and Fragment should inherit from Campaign or BaseDBModel directly.)

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