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Using forkJoin to run multiple concurrent queries with AngularFire


The Problem

I am using AngularFire2 and want to return the data associated with two or more contactNames.

For example querying my Realtime database for contactNames Steve and Brandon:

permits: {
  1: {
    permit: '12345',
    contactName: 'Steve'
  2: {
    permit: '45678',
    contactName: 'Brandon'
  3: {
    permit: '78910',
    contactName: 'Kevin'
  4: {
    permit: '54321',
    contactName: 'Steve'

Would return

  1: {
    permit: '12345',
    contactName: 'Steve'
  2: {
    permit: '45678',
    contactName: 'Brandon'
  4: {
    permit: '54321',
    contactName: 'Steve'

My Solution Attempt

I am using map to loop through and store observables in an array

contactNamesFilter: string[] = ['Steve', 'Brandon'];

const requests = this.contactNamesFilter
  .map(contactName => this.permitBrowserService.getData(contactName));

and forkJoin to join them all into one observable. (I am using RxJS v6.6.3)


The problem is that subscribing to the forkJoin observable does not return anything. It appears the code is dead and is not running. I know forkJoin won't return anything until all observables have returned something. I suspect it has something to do with the permitBrowserService.getData() observable being technically the same.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better approach to this problem?

Other Troubleshooting

I tried explicitly writing out the observable sources with the same result:

  sourceOne: this.permitBrowserService.getData('Steve'),
  sourceTwo: this.permitBrowserService.getData('Brandon'),


I am using AngularFire2 to query the permit list:

export class PermitBrowserService {
  permitData$: Observable<AngularFireAction<DataSnapshot>[]>;
  contactName$: BehaviorSubject<string|null>;

    public db: AngularFireDatabase,
  ) {
    this.contactName$ = new BehaviorSubject(null);
    this.permitData$ = this.contactName$.pipe(
      switchMap(contactName => 
        db.list('/permits', ref =>
          contactName ? ref.orderByChild('contactName').equalTo(contactName) : ref

  getData(contactNameFilter?: string | null): Observable<WellPermit[]> {
    if (contactNameFilter) {
    return this.permitData$.pipe(
      map(changes => {
        return changes.map(c => {
          const data = c.payload.val();
          const id = c.key;
          return { id, ...data };

CodePudding user response:

Since your this.permitData$ (permitBrowserService.getData()) is never going to be complete, forkJoin will never be going to emit anything. So use combineLatest, it will emit upon each this.permitData$ emit.

  sourceOne: this.permitBrowserService.getData('Steve'),
  sourceTwo: this.permitBrowserService.getData('Brandon'),


const requests = this.contactNamesFilter
  .map(contactName => this.permitBrowserService.getData(contactName));



Combines multiple Observables to create an Observable whose values are calculated from the latest values of each of its input Observables.


Accepts an Array of ObservableInput or a dictionary Object of ObservableInput and returns an Observable that emits either an array of values in the exact same order as the passed array, or a dictionary of values in the same shape as the passed dictionary.

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