Home > Net >  Variable 'GetTransNo' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference except
Variable 'GetTransNo' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference except


I have Function Called GetTransNo() but when i run the code i get this error Variable 'GetTransNo' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime" please any one can help me for this

 Function GetTransNo() As String
            Dim sdate As String = Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
            cm = New SqlCommand("Select * From TblCart Where TransNo Like '" & sdate & "%' Order By Id Desc", cn)
            dr = cm.ExecuteReader
            If dr.HasRows Then

                GetTransNo = CLng(dr.Item("Transno").ToString)   1
                GetTransNo = sdate & "0001"

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical)
        End Try

        Return GetTransNo
    End Function

here where i call the function

Private Sub BtnNewOrder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnNewOrder.Click
        If CheckTransaction() = True Then

            LblTransNo.Text = GetTransNo()
            With FrmSelectTable

            End With
            MsgBox("Transaction is already closed", vbExclamation)
        End If
    End Sub

CodePudding user response:

In the old days, a value was returned from a function by writing functionName = theReturnValue, as the code in the question shows with GetTransNo = sdate & "0001".

The modern way of returning a value is to use the Return statement, as shown in this code:

Function GetTransNo() As String
    Dim sql = "SELECT TOP (1) TransNo FROM TblCart
               WHERE TransNo LIKE @TransNo
               ORDER BY Id DESC"

    Dim sdate As String = Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
    Dim transNo As String = ""

    Using conn As New SqlConnection("yourConnectionStingGoesHere"),
            sqlCmd As New SqlCommand(sql, conn)

        sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter With {.ParameterName = "@TransNo",
                                                     .SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar,
                                                     .Value = sdate & "%"})

            Dim rslt = sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar()

            If rslt Is Nothing Then
                transNo = sdate & "0001"
                transNo = (CLng(rslt)   1).ToString()
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical)

        End Try

    End Using

    Return transNo

End Function

The compiler is being confused by Return with the name of the function.

Also, I used a parameter to pass the value - you should always use parameters as it is a good habit and prevents a lot of potential problems.

You must not try re-using a database connection (cn in the code in the question) more than once, as that too can lead to confusion. The database is made to be efficient creating a new connection every time.

CodePudding user response:

It's because your function have a way where "GetTransNo" don't get any value : when it leave the try catch immediatly. There is 2 solutions :

Define a default value for GetTransNo :

 Function GetTransNo() As String
    GetTransNo = ""
    End Try

    Return GetTransNo
End Function

Define a value in the catch, when the database reading fail :

Function GetTransNo() As String

    Catch ex As Exception
        MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical)
        GetTransNo = ""
    End Try

    Return GetTransNo
End Function

And when you call the function, you can check if it retuns "" (= error occured), but in your case, it's not very useful.

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