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Rails: AJAX Datatables Button to open Modal


I am in the process of updating datatables to AJAX. There are Action buttons, some redirect to other pages and the one I am stuck with opens a modal. I am working in a Decorator file.

Here is the code that works with without modal buttons:

def dt_actions
    links = []
    links << h.link_to(h.content_tag(:i, "", class: "fa fa-search")   " View", h.training_provider_client_path(context[:current_provider], object), class: "btn btn-primary btn-xs m-r-5px")

    links << h.link_to(h.content_tag(:i, "", class: "fa fa-pencil")   " Edit", h.edit_training_provider_client_path(context[:current_provider], object), class: "btn btn-default btn-xs m-l-5px")

This is the line of code that is pre-AJAX that I can't seem to format as above:

a.btn.btn-success.btn-xs.m-l-5px.clients-issue-certs-modal-link> href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#choose-course-modal0" data-client-id="#{client.id}"
      => fa_icon 'graduation-cap', text: 'Issue Certificates'
      = fa_icon 'chevron-right'

Also for reference, here are the two top links pre-AJAX, that I was able to convert:

    = link_to training_provider_client_path(client.owner, client), class: '' do
      = fa_icon 'search', text: 'View'
    - if policy(client).edit?
      = link_to edit_training_provider_client_path(client.owner, client), class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs' do
        = fa_icon 'pencil', text: 'Edit'

Any help will be much appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

I think this should work

h.link_to(h.content_tag(:i, "", class: "graduation-cap")   " Issue Certificates"   h.content_tag(:i, "", class: "chevron-right"), "#", class: "btn btn-success btn-xs m-l-5px clients-issue-certs-modal-link", data: {toggle: "modal", target: "#choose-course-modal0", "client-id" => client.id})
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