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Fill new column based on conditions defined in a string


I have the conditions to fill a new column defined in a string.

condition_string =  "colA='yes' & colB='yes' & (colC='yes' | colD='yes'): 'Yes', colA='no' & colB='no' & (colC='no' | colD='no'): 'No', ELSE : 'UNKNOWN'"

The string can be re-written/structured in any other format (dictionary) and then be fed into the code to get the end result.

The dataframe is

df = pd.DataFrame(
            'ID': ['AB01', 'AB02', 'AB03', 'AB03', 'AB04','AB05', 'AB06'],
            'colA': ["yes","yes",'yes',"no","no",'yes', np.nan],
            'colB': [np.nan,'yes','yes',"no",'no', np.nan, "yes"],
            'colC': ["yes",'yes', 'yes',"no", "no",np.nan,np.nan],
            'colD': ["yes",'no', 'yes',"no",np.nan,"no",np.nan],

The end result should look like this
enter image description here

How can I get this done without hardcoding the stuff in the condition_string. Or do you have any ways in which the condition_string can be restructured and then apply to the dataframe?

UPDATE: What if the dictionary is like?

condition_string =  "colA='yes' & (colB='yes' | colB='no)' & 
(colC='yes' | colD='yes'): 'Yes', colA='no' & colB='no' & (colC='no' |    colD='no'): 'No', ELSE : 'UNKNOWN'"

and the dataframe is like

df = pd.DataFrame(
            'ID': ['AB01', 'AB02', 'AB03', 'AB03', 'AB04','AB05', 'AB06'],
            'colA': ["yes","yes",'yes',"no","no",'yes', np.nan],
            'colB': ["no",'yes','yes',"no",'no', np.nan, "yes"],
            'colC': ["yes",'yes', 'yes',"no", "no",np.nan,np.nan],
            'colD': ["yes",'no', 'yes',"no",np.nan,"no",np.nan]

CodePudding user response:

You can use np.where:

df['results'] =  np.where((((df['colA']=='yes') & (df['colB']=='yes')) & ((df['colC']=='yes') | (df['colD']=='yes'))), 'Yes',np.where(((df['colA']=='no') & (df['colB']=='no')) & ((df['colC']=='no' )| (df['colD']=='no')), 'No','UNKNOWN'))

which gives:

 ID colA colB colC colD decision
0  AB01  yes  NaN  yes  yes  UNKNOWN
1  AB02  yes  yes  yes   no      Yes
2  AB03  yes  yes  yes  yes      Yes
3  AB03   no   no   no   no       No
4  AB04   no   no   no  NaN       No
5  AB05  yes  NaN  NaN   no  UNKNOWN
6  AB06  NaN  yes  NaN  NaN  UNKNOWN

CodePudding user response:

IIUC you want to create arbitrary conditions for your df, which can be done using functools.reduce and operator.and_. You can then set up your conditions using two lists (instead of a dict), first one being the columns, second one the string to test against and finally np.select:

from functools import reduce
from operator import and_

cols = ["colA", "colB", ["colC", "colD"]] # group the cols in a list if they belong to the same group
answer = ["yes", "no"]

conds = [reduce(and_, [df[i].eq(ans) if isinstance(i, str) else df[i].eq(ans).any(1)
                       for i in cols]) for ans in answer]

df["result"] = np.select(conds, answer, "Unknown")

print (df)

     ID colA colB colC colD   result
0  AB01  yes  NaN  yes  yes  Unknown
1  AB02  yes  yes  yes   no      yes
2  AB03  yes  yes  yes  yes      yes
3  AB03   no   no   no   no       no
4  AB04   no   no   no  NaN       no
5  AB05  yes  NaN  NaN   no  Unknown
6  AB06  NaN  yes  NaN  NaN  Unknown

Now you simply need to edit the two lists cols and answer if you need to adjust your conditions.

CodePudding user response:

Here a solution to convert your condition to a python function and then applying it to the rows of your DataFrame:

import re

condition_string =  "colA='yes' & colB='yes' & (colC='yes' | colD='yes'): 'Yes', colA='no' & colB='no' & (colC='no' | colD='no'): 'No', ELSE : 'UNKNOWN'"

# formatting string as python function apply_cond
col_pattern = re.compile(r'(\w )=')
cond_form = re.sub(r', (?!ELSE)', '\n\telif ', condition_string) \
            .replace(": ", ":\n\t\treturn ") \
            .replace(", ELSE ", "\n\telse") \
            .replace("&", "and") \
            .replace('|', 'or')
cond_form = re.sub(col_pattern, r"row['\1']==", cond_form)
function_def = "def apply_cond(row):\n\tif "   cond_form
#print(function_def) # uncomment to see how the function is defined

# executing the function definition of apply_cond

# applying the function to each row
df["result"]=df.apply(lambda x: apply_cond(x), axis=1)



     ID colA colB colC colD   result
0  AB01  yes  NaN  yes  yes  UNKNOWN
1  AB02  yes  yes  yes   no      Yes
2  AB03  yes  yes  yes  yes      Yes
3  AB03   no   no   no   no       No
4  AB04   no   no   no  NaN       No
5  AB05  yes  NaN  NaN   no  UNKNOWN
6  AB06  NaN  yes  NaN  NaN  UNKNOWN

You might want to adapt string formatting depending on condition_string (I did it quickly, there might be some unsupported combinations) but if you get those strings automatically it will save you from defining them all over again.

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