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How to create specific table from array using JS/JQUERY


I'm working on some project and im stuck with this for a while. I have table like this in database:

ProjectName UserName SpentDays
FirstProject User1 10
SecondProject User1 5
SecondProject User2 3
ThirdProject NULL NULL

Then i get that informations in js in array like this:

ProjectInfo = [{
  ProjectName: 'FirstProject',
  UserName: 'User1',
  SpentDays: 10
}, {
  ProjectName: 'SecondProject',
  UserName: 'User1',
  SpentDays: 5
}, {
  ProjectName: 'SecondProject',
  UserName: 'User2',
  SpentDays: 3
}, {
  ProjectName: 'ThirdProject',
  UserName: NULL,
  SpentDays: NULL
<iframe name="sif1" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

How can i get HTML table like this using JS/JQUERY:

Projects User1 User2
FirstProject 10 NULL
SecondProject 5 3
ThirdProject NULL NULL

CodePudding user response:

We need a mix of reduce and map and template literals

const NULL = null; // or you use null in the object
ProjectInfo = [{
  ProjectName: 'FirstProject',
  UserName: 'User1',
  SpentDays: 10
}, {
  ProjectName: 'SecondProject',
  UserName: 'User1',
  SpentDays: 5
}, {
  ProjectName: 'SecondProject',
  UserName: 'User2',
  SpentDays: 3
}, {
  ProjectName: 'ThirdProject',
  UserName: NULL,
  SpentDays: NULL

const users = [...new Set(ProjectInfo.map(({ UserName }) => UserName))].filter(user => user != NULL); // create a list of users
document.querySelector("table thead tr").innerHTML  = users.map(user => `<th>${user}</th>`).join(""); // add them to the table head

// create a default object
const obj = JSON.stringify(users.reduce((acc, user) => {
  acc[user] = "NULL";
  return acc
}, {}));

// reduce to something more manageable 
const rows = ProjectInfo.reduce((acc, cur) => {
  acc[cur.ProjectName] = acc[cur.ProjectName] || JSON.parse(obj)
  if (cur.UserName !== null) acc[cur.ProjectName][cur.UserName] = cur.SpentDays
  return acc
}, {});

document.querySelector("table tbody").innerHTML = Object
  .map(([name,project]) => `<tr><td>${name}</td>${Object
    .map(val => `<td>${val}</td>`)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.sstatic.net/Shared/stacks.css" />
<table class="s-table">
<iframe name="sif2" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

CodePudding user response:

This should do the trick.

Nevermind this answer, I misread what the OP was wanting.

projectInfo = [{
  ProjectName: 'FirstProject',
  UserName: 'User1',
  SpentDays: 10
}, {
  ProjectName: 'SecondProject',
  UserName: 'User1',
  SpentDays: 5
}, {
  ProjectName: 'SecondProject',
  UserName: 'User2',
  SpentDays: 3
}, {
  ProjectName: 'ThirdProject',
  UserName: null,
  SpentDays: null

var tbody = $('#mytable tbody');

projectInfo.forEach(e => {
    var row = $("<tr></tr>");

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="mytable" border=1>
<iframe name="sif3" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-scripts" frameborder="0"></iframe>

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