Nt3.6 login using DiscuzToolkit synchronization error (synchronous registered function can be normal use)
Local test
Master station call error: reflection type "Discuz. Toolkit. UserInfoResponse go wrong,"
The main calling code:
Var txtUserName=TbAccount. Text;
Var txtPassword=TbPassword. Text;
DiscuzSession ds=WebSampleHelper. DiscuzSessionHelper. GetSession ();
Int uid=ds. GetUserID (txtUserName);
Ds. The Login (uid, txtPassword, false, 100, "");
UserInfoResponse object
[XmlRoot (" users_getInfo_response Namespace="http://nt.discuz.net/api/", IsNullable=false)]
Public class UserInfoResponse
[XmlElement (" user ")]
Public User [] user_array;
Public User [] Users
The get {return user_array?? New User [0]; }
[XmlAttribute (" list ")]
Public bool List;
When using DiscuzToolkit source test, there is no error,