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Chrome's own request headers


When I was in use XHR access to a resource, found that was refused, but other browsers such as UC eage from mobile phone can normal visit,
Finally studied the problem is in chrome send an HTTP request, will bring the request Headers added a few head
In my own at the top of the page set up a & lt; Meta name="referrer" content="never" & gt; , the browser has open ccess - Control - Allow - Origin the cross-domain plug-in

Then the following is the request of the chrome header information
The Request Headers

Authority: meiju9.qfxmj.com
Method: the GET
Path:/20190812/UTXLgrot/2000 KB/HLS/squ1i5091000 js
Scheme: HTTPS
Accept: */*
The accept - encoding: gzip, deflate, br
The accept - language: useful - CN, useful; Q=0.9
Cache-control: no - cache
Origin: http://localhost:65246
Pragma: no cache -
The SEC - fetch - dest: empty
The SEC - fetch - mode: cors
The SEC - fetch - site: cross - site
The user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64. X64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36

Below is the request the return value of the General
The Request URL: https://meiju9.qfxmj.com/20190812/UTXLgrot/2000kb/hls/squ1i5091000.js
The Request Method: GET
The Status Code: 403
Remote Address:
The Referrer Policy: no - Referrer

Request the return value of the Response Headers
Access - Control - Allow - the Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH
Access - Control - Allow - Origin: *
The content - length: 4692
The content-type: text/HTML
Date: the Sun, Mar 2020 01 11:25:39 GMT
Expires: Sun, Mar 2020 01 11:25:39 GMT
Server: Cdn Cache server V2.0
Status: 403
X-ray cache - error: ERR_ACCESS_DENIED 0
X - via: 1.0 tudianxin49:0 (Cdn Cache Server V2.0) [0, 3] 403

Okay, I found that only Google browser has it's problems, because I can't set the other server, with chrome "modify headers" plugin the request header
The SEC - fetch - site and origin two values are set to null, then use the Google browser, open the XHR is normal access to the resources

The following questions to the
Can I on local pages or other places set up something, make chrome when sending HTTP requests, don't send the SEC - fetch - site and origin these two header information?
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