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LINQ Left Outer Join Multiple Tables with Group Count and Row Concatenation


Can someone help with below please? I simplified the table/column names, etc. I search everywhere but the answers I get are incomplete solutions for the results I want to achieve below. New to LINQ so please be kind. :-)


  • Parent (ParentId, ParentName, ParentOccupation)
  • Child (ChildId, ChildName, OtherField, ParentId)
  • GrandChild (GrandChildId, GrandChildName, OtherField, ChildId)


 ---------- ------------ ------------------ 
| ParentId | ParentName | ParentOccupation |
 ---------- ------------ ------------------ 
| 1        | Mary       | Teacher          |
| 2        | Anne       | Doctor           |
| 3        | Michael    | Farmer           |
| 4        | Elizabeth  | Police           |
| 5        | Andrew     | Fireman          |
 ---------- ------------ ------------------ 


 --------- ----------- ------------- ---------- 
| ChildId | ChildName | OtherField  | ParentId |
 --------- ----------- ------------- ---------- 
| 1       | Ashley    | [SomeValue] | 1        |
| 2       | Brooke    | [SomeValue] | 1        |
| 3       | Ashton    | [SomeValue] | 3        |
| 4       | Emma      | [SomeValue] | 4        |
 --------- ----------- ------------- ---------- 


 -------------- ---------------- ------------- --------- 
| GrandChildId | GrandChildName | OtherField  | ChildId |
 -------------- ---------------- ------------- --------- 
| 1            | Andrew         | [SomeValue] | 1       |
| 2            | Isabelle       | [SomeValue] | 2       |
| 3            | Lucas          | [SomeValue] | 2       |
| 4            | Matthew        | [SomeValue] | 4       |
 -------------- ---------------- ------------- --------- 


 ---------- ------------ ------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------- 
| ParentId | ParentName | ParentOccupation | NumberOfGrandChildren | NamesOfGrandChildren    |
 ---------- ------------ ------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------- 
| 1        | Mary       | Teacher          | 3                     | Andrew, Isabelle, Lucas |
| 2        | Anne       | Doctor           | 0                     |                         |   
| 3        | Michael    | Farmer           | 0                     |                         |
| 4        | Elizabeth  | Police           | 1                     | Matthew                 |
| 5        | Andrew     | Fireman          | 0                     |                         | 
 ---------- ------------ ------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------- 


LEFT OUTER JOINS - getting all the columns but no aggregates

var result1 = (from p in Parent
               join c in Child on p.ParentId equals c.ParentId into pcj
               from pc in pcj.DefaultIfEmpty()
               join g in GrandChild on pc.ChildId equals g.ChildId into cgj
               from cg in cgj.DefaultIfEmpty()
               where [some criteria]
               select new 
                  ParentId = p.ParentId,
                  ParentName = p.ParentName,
                  ChildId = pc.ChildId,
                  ChildName = pc.ChildName,
                  GrandChildId = cg.GrandChildId,
                  GrandChildName = cg.GrandChildName   

COUNTS - contain the aggregate but not all parent columns are there. Also returns 1 in the count, instead of 0.

var result2 = (from p in Parent
               join c in Child on p.ParentId equals c.ParentId into pcj
               from pc in pcj.DefaultIfEmpty()
               join g in GrandChild on pc.ChildId equals g.ChildId into cgj
               from cg in cgj.DefaultIfEmpty()
               where [some criteria]
               group new { p } by new { p.ParentId } into r
               select new 
                  ParentId = r.Key.Id,
                  NumberOfGrandChildren = r.Count()

CONCATENATE COMMA SEPARATED ROW VALUES (for names of grandchildren) - have not attempted yet until I solve the count above, but open for solutions please.

How can I combine and achieve the results above? Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

Here is a way you could construct your query.

var Result = Parents
    // Stage 1: for each parent, get its Chidren Ids
    .Select(p => new
        Parent = p,
        ChildrenIds = Children
            .Where(c => c.ParentId == p.Id)
            .Select(c => c.Id)
    // Stage 2: for each parent, get its Grandchildren, by using the childrenIds list constructed before
    .Select(p => new
        GrandChildren = Grandchildren
            .Where(gc => p.ChildrenIds.Contains(gc.ChildId))
    // Stage 3: for each parent, count the grandchildren, and get their names
    .Select(p => new
        ParentId = p.Parent.Id,
        ParentName = p.Parent.Name,
        ParentOccupation = p.Parent.Occupation,
        NumberOfGrandChildren = p.GrandChildren.Count(),
        GranchildrenNames = string.Join(", ", p.GrandChildren.Select(gc => gc.Name))

And here is a full working LinqPad script, with random data generation, so you can try it:

void Main()
    var rnd = new Random();
    var Parents = Enumerable
        .Range(0, 10)
        .Select(i => new Parent
            Id = i,
            Name = $"Parent-{i}",
            Occupation = $"Occupation{i}"
    var Children = Enumerable
        .Select(i => new Child
            Id = i,
            Name = $"Child{i}",
            ParentId = rnd.Next(0, 10)
    var GrandChildren = Enumerable
        .Range(0, 25)
        .Select(i => new GrandChildren
            Id = i,
            Name = $"GrandChild{i}",
            ChildId = rnd.Next(0, 15)

    var Result = Parents
        // Stage 1: for each parent, get its Chidren Ids
        .Select(p => new
            Parent = p,
            ChildrenIds = Children
                .Where(c => c.ParentId == p.Id)
                .Select(c => c.Id)
        // Stage 2: for each parent, get its Grandchildren, by using the childrenIds list constructed before
        .Select(p => new
            GrandChildren = GrandChildren
                .Where(gc => p.ChildrenIds.Contains(gc.ChildId))
        // Stage 3: for each parent, count the grandchildren, and get their names
        .Select(p => new
            ParentId = p.Parent.Id,
            ParentName = p.Parent.Name,
            ParentOccupation = p.Parent.Occupation,
            NumberOfGrandChildren = p.GrandChildren.Count(),
            GranchildrenNames = string.Join(", ", p.GrandChildren.Select(gc => gc.Name))

// You can define other methods, fields, classes and namespaces here
public class Parent
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Occupation { get; set; }

public class Child
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int ParentId { get; set; }

public class GrandChildren
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int ChildId { get; set; }

And here is a set of results:

// Parents
0   Parent-0    Occupation0
1   Parent-1    Occupation1
2   Parent-2    Occupation2
3   Parent-3    Occupation3
4   Parent-4    Occupation4
5   Parent-5    Occupation5
6   Parent-6    Occupation6
7   Parent-7    Occupation7
8   Parent-8    Occupation8
9   Parent-9    Occupation9
// Children
0   Child0  1
1   Child1  5
2   Child2  8
3   Child3  6
4   Child4  9
5   Child5  3
6   Child6  0
7   Child7  4
8   Child8  9
9   Child9  7
10  Child10 8
11  Child11 2
12  Child12 7
13  Child13 7
14  Child14 8
// GrandChildren
0   GrandChild0 7
1   GrandChild1 11
2   GrandChild2 11
3   GrandChild3 14
4   GrandChild4 6
5   GrandChild5 0
6   GrandChild6 11
7   GrandChild7 6
8   GrandChild8 0
9   GrandChild9 12
10  GrandChild10    9
11  GrandChild11    7
12  GrandChild12    0
13  GrandChild13    3
14  GrandChild14    11
15  GrandChild15    9
16  GrandChild16    2
17  GrandChild17    12
18  GrandChild18    12
19  GrandChild19    12
20  GrandChild20    14
21  GrandChild21    12
22  GrandChild22    11
23  GrandChild23    14
24  GrandChild24    12
// Result
0   Parent-0    Occupation0 2   GrandChild4, GrandChild7
1   Parent-1    Occupation1 3   GrandChild5, GrandChild8, GrandChild12
2   Parent-2    Occupation2 5   GrandChild1, GrandChild2, GrandChild6, GrandChild14, GrandChild22
3   Parent-3    Occupation3 0   
4   Parent-4    Occupation4 2   GrandChild0, GrandChild11
5   Parent-5    Occupation5 0   
6   Parent-6    Occupation6 1   GrandChild13
7   Parent-7    Occupation7 8   GrandChild9, GrandChild10, GrandChild15, GrandChild17, GrandChild18, GrandChild19, GrandChild21, GrandChild24
8   Parent-8    Occupation8 4   GrandChild3, GrandChild16, GrandChild20, GrandChild23
9   Parent-9    Occupation9 0   

CodePudding user response:

Assuming you are using EF, and you have navigation properties set up, then your query would look like this:

var result = context.Parents
  .Select(p => new {
    NumberOfGrandChildren = p.Children.Sum(c => c.GrandChildren.Count()),
    // Could also be:
    // NumberOfGrandChildren = p.Children
    //   .SelectMany(c => c.GrandChildren)
    //   .Count(),
    NamesOfGrandChildren = string.Join(", ", p.Children
      .SelectMany(c => c.GrandChildren)
      .Select(g => g.GrandChildName))
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