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pre-commit x VSCode: env: python3.9: No such file or directory


I use pre-commit to run black flake8 and isort on my code.

I ran pre-commit install and as expected it created .git/hooks/pre-commit which starts like:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
# File generated by pre-commit: https://pre-commit.com
# ID: 138fd403232d2ddd5efb44317e38bf03
import os
import sys

The hook works fine in the terminal:

$ git commit -am "remove commented block"
[main f30007d] remove commented block
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

But running it from VSCode's Source Control Panel yields an error (command output):

> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file -
env: python3.9: No such file or directory

Not sure where that comes from. In addition (not sure it matters though) I double checked: both the terminal's python and VSCode's selected Python interpreter point to the same /Users/victor/.pyenv/shims/python

CodePudding user response:

It seemed to be an issue with pyenv not being loaded by VSCode's source control panel when executing the git commands.

I tried moving some stuff (like $(pyenv init -)) into an earlier zsh configuration file like .zshenv but that did not help.

In the end, specifying the complete path fixed it

#!/usr/bin/env /Users/victor/.pyenv/shims/python3.9
# File generated by pre-commit: https://pre-commit.com
# ID: 138fd403232d2ddd5efb44317e38bf03
import os
import sys
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