I have some data stored as [samples, x_values_toconsider]
and then I give it to seaborn. I've tried many combinations for it to plot the error bands but it doesn't seem to do it, it simply plots each of my samples for a specific feature/value of x. So it ends up have samples
number of curves, which is NOT what I want. I've also tried to arrange it as a data frame but that didn't help either.
Why is seaborn plotting each individual sample as it's own curve? I want it to aggregate it with the usual confidence intervals.
Self contained Reproducible code:
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import DataFrame
import pandas as pd
# the number of x values to consider in a given range e.g. [0,1] will sample 10 raw features x sampled at in [0,1] interval
num_x: int = 10
# the repetitions for each x feature value e.g. multiple measurements for sample x=0.0 up to x=1.0 at the end
rep_per_x: int = 5
total_size_data_set: int = num_x * rep_per_x
# - create fake data set
# only consider 10 features from 0 to 1
x = np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=1.0, num=num_x)
# to introduce fake variation add uniform noise to each feature and pretend each one is a new observation for that feature
noise_uniform: np.ndarray = np.random.rand(rep_per_x, num_x)
# same as above but have the noise be the same for each x (thats what the 1 means)
noise_normal: np.ndarray = np.random.randn(rep_per_x, 1)
# signal function
sin_signal: np.ndarray = np.sin(x)
# [rep_per_x, num_x]
data: np.ndarray = sin_signal noise_uniform noise_normal
# data_od: OrderedDict = OrderedDict()
# for idx_x in range(num_x):
# # [rep_per_x, 1]
# samples_for_x: np.ndarray = data[:, idx_x]
# data_od[str(x[idx_x])] = samples_for_x
# data_df = pd.DataFrame(data_od)
# data = data_df
ax = sns.lineplot(data=data)
# ax = sns.lineplot(data=data, err_style='band')
# ax = sns.lineplot(data=data, err_style='bars')
# ax = sns.lineplot(data=data, ci='sd', err_style='band')
# ax = sns.lineplot(data=data, ci='sd', err_style='bars')
# ax = sns.relplot(data=data)
# import numpy as np
# import seaborn as sns
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# from pandas import DataFrame
# fmri: DataFrame = sns.load_dataset("fmri")
# print(fmri)
# sns.lineplot(x="timepoint", y="signal", hue="region", style="event", data=fmri)
# plt.show()
wrong plot produce
but hoped for something like this (and with addition lines with their own error bands would be even better cuz I have many matrices!)
Note that I do not want to pre-calculate the stds and plot the bands so most of those questions/answers don't work for me.
What puzzles me is that when I pass it the fmri data it works but not when I pass it my matrix of observations for each x value...
related posts:
Note that the tutorial examples where no explicit
is given, work with data in the form of a pandas dataframe, or a column of such in dataframe. In that case, the index of the dataframe can be used for the x-values.Or you could concatenate all the values. Working with a dataframe might make it easier to see what's going on, and would also automatically use the column names to label the axes and the legend.
ax = sns.lineplot(x=np.tile(x, rep_per_x1 rep_per_x2), y=np.concatenate([data1.ravel(), data2.ravel()]), hue=np.concatenate([np.repeat(1, num_x * rep_per_x1), np.repeat(2, num_x * rep_per_x2)]), palette=['crimson', 'dodgerblue'])
CodePudding user response:
For the sake of having a full example with reusable code for future users:
def plot_seaborn_curve_with_x_values_y_values(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, title: str, curve_label: Optional[str] = None, err_style: str = 'band', marker: Optional[str] = 'x', dashes: bool = False, show: bool = False ): """ Given a list of x values in a range with num_x_values number of x values in that range and the corresponding samples for each specific x value (so [samples_per_x] for each value of x giving in total a matrix of size [samples_per_x, num_x_values]), plot aggregates of them with error bands. Note that the main assumption is that each x value has a number of y values corresponding to it (likely due to noise for example). Note: - if you want string in the specific x axis point do sns.lineplot(x=np.tile([f'Layer{i}' for i in range(1, num_x 1)], rep_per_x),...) assuming the x values are the layers. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69888181/how-to-show-error-bands-for-pure-matrices-samples-x-range-with-seaborn-error/69889619?noredirect=1#comment123544763_69889619 - note you can all this function multiple times to insert different curves to your plot. - note its recommended call show only for if you have one or at the final curve you want to add. - if you want bands and bars it might work if you call this function twice but using the bar and band argument for each call. ref: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69888181/how-to-show-error-bands-for-pure-matrices-samples-x-range-with-seaborn-error/69889619?noredirect=1#comment123544763_69889619 :param x: [num_x_values] :param y: [samples_per_x, num_x_values] :param xlabel: :param ylabel: :param title: :param curve_label: :param err_style: :param marker: :param dashes: :param show: :return: """ import seaborn as sns samples_per_x: int = y.shape[0] num_x_values: int = x.shape[0] assert(num_x_values == y.shape[1]), f'We are plotting aggreagates for one specific value of x multple values of y,' \ f'thus we need to have the same number of x values match in the x axis.' # - since seaborn expects a an x value paired with it's y value, let's flatten the y's and make sure the corresponding # x value is aligned with it's y value [num_x_values * samples_per_x] x: np.ndarray = np.tile(x, samples_per_x) # np.tile = Construct an array by repeating A the number of times given by reps. assert (x.shape == (num_x_values * samples_per_x,)) y: np.ndarray = np.ravel(y) # flatten the y's to match the x values to have the x to it's corresponding y assert (y.shape == (num_x_values * samples_per_x,)) assert (x.shape == y.shape) # - plot ax = sns.lineplot(x=x, y=y, err_style=err_style, label=curve_label, marker=marker, dashes=dashes) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if show: plt.show()
def plot_seaborn_curve_with_x_values_y_values_test(): # the number of x values to consider in a given range e.g. [0,1] will sample 10 raw features x sampled at in [0,1] interval num_x: int = 10 # the repetitions for each x feature value e.g. multiple measurements for sample x=0.0 up to x=1.0 at the end rep_per_x: int = 5 total_size_data_set: int = num_x * rep_per_x print(f'{total_size_data_set=}') # - create fake data set # only consider 10 features from 0 to 1 x = np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=1.0, num=num_x) # to introduce fake variation add uniform noise to each feature and pretend each one is a new observation for that feature noise_uniform: np.ndarray = np.random.rand(rep_per_x, num_x) # same as above but have the noise be the same for each x (thats what the 1 means) noise_normal: np.ndarray = np.random.randn(rep_per_x, 1) # signal function sin_signal: np.ndarray = np.sin(x) cos_signal: np.ndarray = np.cos(x) # [rep_per_x, num_x] y1: np.ndarray = sin_signal noise_uniform noise_normal y2: np.ndarray = cos_signal noise_uniform noise_normal plot_seaborn_curve_with_x_values_y_values(x=x, y=y1, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='Sin vs Cos') plot_seaborn_curve_with_x_values_y_values(x=x, y=y2, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title='Sin vs Cos') plt.show()