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Insert text to a file between before or after a certain line


Here is my function to add a message to my log file

func Glogger(prefix string, message string) {
    file, err := os.OpenFile("glogger.log", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {

    defer file.Close()

    logger := log.New(file, prefix " : ", log.LstdFlags)

This will append a new line in my log file. But I want to add my message above the gopher's head and always keep my gopher at the bottom of my file like this:

enter image description here

It's possible to add a new line after a log message or before a specific character like the top of the gopher's head .:-== =-: ?

If it's not possible there is a way to count the x lines from the end of the file and start to write by setting an offset ?

Or can we delete the gopher, append the new log and then recreate the gopher ?

CodePudding user response:

I solved my problem. Thanks to the commenters who shows me the way.

  • I measured my gopher byte size
  • I create a temp log file
  • I copy the total byte size of the main log file into the temp file while I substract the gopher byte size
  • I append my log error and I draw the gopher at the end of the file

Here is my code :

import (

const gopherSize = 1934
const gloggerFile = "glogger.log"
const tmpFile = "tmp.log"

func Glogger(prefix string, message string) {
    // Create temp file
    tmp, err := os.Create(tmpFile)
    if err != nil {

    defer tmp.Close()

    // Check if glogger file exists open and copy until the gopher
    // to the temp file
    if _, err := os.Stat(gloggerFile); err == nil {
        glogger, err := os.Open(gloggerFile)
        if err != nil {

        defer glogger.Close()

        totalBytes, err := glogger.Stat()
        if err != nil {

        io.CopyN(tmp, glogger, totalBytes.Size()-gopherSize)

    logger := log.New(tmp, prefix " : ", log.LstdFlags)


func replaceTmpFile() {
    if _, err := os.Stat(gloggerFile); err == nil {
        if err := os.Remove(gloggerFile); err != nil {

    if err := os.Rename(tmpFile, gloggerFile); err != nil {

func drawGoopher() {
    file, err := os.OpenFile(tmpFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
    if err != nil {


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I'm sure there is a better way to do that but it does the job

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