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no Operator "=" matches these operands , operand types -- Matrix = Matrix


I am writing a program for Matrix operation using operator overloading but getting an error for "=" operator overloading Here's the full code. I have also returned my reference object by using (return *this) in " = " operator declaration but don't know why it is not Working . When i am using C = A it's not showing any errors but when i am using C = A B then this error is coming up


using namespace std;

class Matrix{
        int rows;   //For rows
        int cols;   //For columns
        int **ptr; //pointer to pointer to point in the array 
    //Declaring Constructors and destructors
        Matrix(Matrix &);
        Matrix(int, int);
    //Declaring other functions
        friend istream& operator>>(istream &, Matrix &);
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &,Matrix &);
        Matrix operator  (Matrix &);
        Matrix operator -(Matrix &);
        Matrix operator *(Matrix &);
        Matrix operator =(Matrix &);
        void transpose(Matrix &);
    //End of class definition

//Defining Copy constructor
Matrix::Matrix(Matrix &m){
    rows = m.rows;
    cols = m.cols;
    ptr = new int* [rows];
    for(int i= 0;i<rows;i  ){
        ptr[i]=new int [cols];
    for(int i =0 ;i<rows;i  ){
        for(int j=0;j<cols;j  ){
             ptr[i][j] = m.ptr[i][j];

//Defining parametrised constructor
Matrix::Matrix(int m, int n){
    rows = m;
    cols = n;
    ptr = new int* [m];
    for(int i =0;i<m;i  ){
        ptr[i] = new int[n];

//Defining oveloaded operator to take matrix as an input
istream & operator >>(istream &din , Matrix & m){
    for(int i =0;i<m.rows;i  ){
        for(int j =0;j<m.cols;j  ){
            din >> m.ptr[i][j];
    return din;

//Defining overoaded operator to display matrix 
ostream & operator << (ostream &dout,Matrix &m ){
    for(int i =0;i<m.rows;i  ){
        for(int j = 0; j<m.cols;j  ){
            dout<<setw(5)<< m.ptr[i][j];
    return dout;

//Defining overloaded   opearator to add two matrices
Matrix Matrix::operator  (Matrix &m){
    Matrix temp( rows, cols);
    for(int i =0;i<rows;i  ){
        for(int j =0;j<cols;j  ){
            temp.ptr[i][j]= ptr[i][j]   m.ptr[i][j];
    return temp;

//Definig overloaded - operator to subtract two matrices
Matrix Matrix::operator -(Matrix &m){
    Matrix temp(rows,cols);
    for(int i=0;i<rows;i  ){
        for(int j=0;j<cols;j  ){
            temp.ptr[i][j] = ptr[i][j] - m.ptr[i][j];
    return temp;

//Defining overloaded *opeartor to perform matrix multiplication
Matrix Matrix::operator *(Matrix &m){
    Matrix temp(rows,cols);
    int product_sum;
    for(int i =0;i<rows;i  ){
        for(int j=0;j<cols;j  ){
            product_sum =0;
            for(int k=0;k<rows;k  ){
                product_sum  = ptr[i][k] * m.ptr[k][j];
            temp.ptr[i][j] = product_sum;
    return temp;

//Defining overloaded = operator to assingn matrix value into another matrix  
Matrix Matrix::operator =(Matrix & m){
    for(int i =0;i<rows;i  ){
        for(int j=0;j<cols;j  ){
            ptr[i][j] = m.ptr[i][j];
    return *this;
//Definig a function to perform transpose of a matrix
void Matrix::transpose(Matrix &m){
    for(int i=0;i< rows;i  ){
        for(int j=0;j<cols;j  ){
            ptr[j][i] = m.ptr[i][j];
//Definig Destructor
    for(int i=0;i<rows;i  ){
        delete[] ptr[i];
    delete[] ptr;
//Main Function
int main(){
    int row_1 ,row_2,col_1,col_2 ,chs;
    char choice , ch;
    cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\t\tCreate Matrix A";
    cout<<"\nEnter the number of rows for matrix : ";
    cout<<"\nEnter the number of columns for matrix : ";
    Matrix A(row_1,col_1);
    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of Matrix row wise : ";
    cin >> A;
    cout<<"\nEntered Matrix \n";
    cout << A;
    cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tCreate Matrix B";
    cout<<"\nEnter the number of rows for matrix : ";
    cout<<"\nEnter the number of columns for matrix : ";
    Matrix B(row_2,col_2);
    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of Matrix row wise : ";
    cin >> B;
    cout<<"\nEntered Matrix\n";
    cout << B;
    Matrix C(col_1,row_1);
    // **NO Operator "=" matches these operands , operand types -- Matrix = Matrix** 
    return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Matrix Matrix::operator returns a temporary. In C , non-const references will not bind to temporaries. This is because a non-const reference generally is used to modify an object, and with a temporary such a modification would likely be lost.

But the overloaded assignment operator Matrix Matrix::operator =(Matrix & m) does not modify m, so it can really take a temporary by const&: Matrix Matrix::operator =(Matrix const& m).

Furthermore, the return type technically can be anything, even void, but in practice you should follow the behavior of the default operator and return Matrix& - a reference to *this, not a copy.

Also, if you used a std::vector as the backing store, you wouldn't need most of these utility methods at all!

CodePudding user response:

The problem is this declaration:

Matrix Matrix::operator =(Matrix & m);

You should change it to:

Matrix Matrix::operator =(const Matrix & m)

The const reference prolongs the object's life; check this out for more details about extending an object's lifetime: Does a const reference class member prolong the life of a temporary?

EDIT: yous should also return Matrix&:

Matrix& Matrix::operator =(const Matrix & m)
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