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Calculate Person-Time (ie Days Spent) in Each Quarter for Each Person in a Dataset


I need to calculate the number of days that each person in a dataset spends within a fiscal quarter. Here's a dataframe with 4 hypothetical people:

id <- c('1', '2', '3', '4') 
end_date <- c("2009-05-24", "2002-02-04", "2015-09-23", "2011-12-04") 
start_date  <- c("2004-07-24", "1992-07-04", "2011-03-23", "2001-07-04") 

df <- data.frame(id, start = ymd(start_date), end = ymd(end_date)) 

I can easily calculate their total follow-up per person and overall:

> df %>% mutate(fu_time = end - start) 
  id      start        end   fu_time
1  1 2004-07-24 2009-05-24 1765 days
2  2 1992-07-04 2002-02-04 3502 days
3  3 2011-03-23 2015-09-23 1645 days
4  4 2001-07-04 2011-12-04 3805 days

> df %>% mutate(fu_time = end - start) %>% summarize(total = sum(fu_time))
1 10717 days

UPDATE: GETTING CLOSER - I think I'm on to something, having weird errors though

I wrote the following function, which could calculate how many days within Q1 a patient spent:

q1fun <- function(x,y) { 
  sum(month(seq(x, y, by = "days")) %in% 1:3)

Basically, it expands the sequence, counts the number of months, then returns that value. So for instance:

> q1fun(ymd("2004-07-24"), ymd("2009-05-24"))
[1] 451

The problem is that it won't work in mutate! I'm sure I'm doing something wrong; if someone could help with this last step I'll have it!

df %>% 
    mutate(q1 = q1fun(start, end))
 Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `q1`.
x 'from' must be of length 1
i Input `q1` is `q1fun(start, end)`.
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred. 

CodePudding user response:

Simply group the data by the quarter of the calendar year:

df2<-df %>% mutate(fu_time = end - start, quarter=lubridate::quarter(end_date)) %>%
  group_by(quarter) %>% summarise(fu_time=sum(fu_time))


CodePudding user response:

Ok so I figured it out, needed to group rowwise because I don't have a vectorized function.

So here is the final functions and what it looks like when run. Hope this helps someone else out!

> # Calculate quarter 1/2/3/4 times
> q1fun <- function(x,y) { 
    sum(month(seq(x, y, by = "days")) %in% 1:3)
> q2fun <- function(x,y) { 
    sum(month(seq(x, y, by = "days")) %in% 4:6)
> q3fun <- function(x,y) { 
    sum(month(seq(x, y, by = "days")) %in% 7:9)
> q4fun <- function(x,y) { 
    sum(month(seq(x, y, by = "days")) %in% 10:12)
> df %>% 
    rowwise %>% 
    mutate(q1 = q1fun(start, end), 
           q2 = q2fun(start, end), 
           q3 = q3fun(start, end), 
           q4 = q4fun(start,end))
# A tibble: 4 x 7
# Rowwise: 
  id    start      end           q1    q2    q3    q4
  <chr> <date>     <date>     <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1     2004-07-24 2009-05-24   451   418   437   460
2 2     1992-07-04 2002-02-04   847   819   917   920
3 3     2011-03-23 2015-09-23   370   455   453   368
4 4     2001-07-04 2011-12-04   902   910  1009   985

The end result is a dataframe with how many days each patient spent within each quarter.

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