I am trying to compress multiple netcdf files in different folders through a loop.
for i in `find . -iname 'wrfout*'`;
echo $i
time nccopy -d5 -s $i d_${i}
When I run this code, I get an error message "./wrfout_d04_2011-08-13_00:00:00 Permission denied Location: file ../../ncdump/nccopy.c; line 1429". However, when I run the last line in the loop for individual files, it runs without any error messages. I have checked the permission mode for the execution file to "777" just to be sure, but still the error persists. Any help with this is approciated.
CodePudding user response:
Your bash syntax suggests your output filenames are going to look like 'd_./wrfout_d04_2011-08-13_00:00:00'
nccopy -d5 -s $i $(dirname $i)/d_$(basename $i)