Home > Net >  How can I detect double letters in AWK? (telly -> tely in AWK) backreferences in the match term?
How can I detect double letters in AWK? (telly -> tely in AWK) backreferences in the match term?


I'm trying to turn telly into tely.

I've tried

awk 'BEGIN {f="telly" ;print gensub(/(.)\\1/,"\\1","g",f)}'


awk 'BEGIN {f="telly" ;print gensub(/(.)\1/,"\\1","g",f)}'

but getting telly still

I'm pretty sure I can do this* (*backreferences in the match expression) in sed probably perl too. But I'm writing functions in awk as it makes processing multi-column data simpler than hacking out the columns in sed

for example I am doing different processes on a lexicon I'm working with

here is an example of some failed output. the third column of connoisseur should not have double s or n.

otto ottô ottô o-tt--ô ottô 11025
hindu hindü hindö hind--ü hndü 11250
wearily weárílý weérélê weáríl--ý wrlý 11251
nora nørá nøré nør--á nrá 11252
formulate før#mûlâtè fømûlât før#mûlât--è fr#mltè 11253
embryo embrýô embrêô e-mbr--ýô embrýô 11254
stylish stŷliŝħ stîliŝ stŷliŝ--ħ stlŝħ 11255
eruption ėrupţìòn irupŝn ė-rupţìòn ėrpţn 11256
authoritarian auπħorítã#rïán auπoréte#rêén au-πħorítã#rïán auπrt#rn 11258
untouched untóùĉħèð untéĉt u-ntóùĉħèð untĉð 11425
penry penrý penrê penr--ý pnrý 11625
maze mâzè mâz mâz--è mzè 11725
forge før#ĝè føj før#ĝ--è fr#ĝè 11825
ferrari fèŕrārï fŕrārê fèŕrār--ï frrï 12511
assailant ássâìlánt éssâlént á-ssâìlánt ásslnt 25011
corrosive còŕr0ôsivè cŕôsiv còŕr0ôsiv--è cr0svè 25111
daimler dâìmlèŕ dâmlŕ dâìml--èŕ dmlèŕ 25311
connoisseur connoíssèùŕ connoéssŕ connoíss--èùŕ cnnssèùŕ 25511
airframe ãìŕfrâmè eŕfrâm ãìŕ-frâm--è ãìŕfrmè 25911
ampersand ampèŕsand ampŕsand a-mpèŕsand ampsnd 62511

the input is 3 or four columns per line and I want to process it field by field rather than line by line. Hence the use of awk.

just for info here is a tiny snippet of the input


here is the final lines in the awk file I'm using. It uses functions directly on the fields this is why I am using awk. The third column in the output has a disambiguate function. I had put a gensub in that function that I was trying to use to 'singl-ify' the double letters with.

some code with functions in . . .

BEGIN {FS= "\"" }
{print $2,$4,disambiguate($4),isolate_terminal_vowels($4),devowelCentre(isolate_terminal_vowels($4)),$6}


CodePudding user response:

Awk does not support backreferences in a regexp, here's how you'd do what you want to do in awk (updated based one new input and additional information provided):

$ cat tst.awk
function compress(oldStr,       newStr,lgth,charPos,char,seen,regexp,string) {
    newStr = oldStr
    lgth = length(oldStr)
    for (charPos=1; charPos<lgth; charPos  ) {
        char = substr(oldStr,charPos,1)
        # for letters only: if ( (char ~ /[[:alpha:]]/) && !seen[char]   ) {
        if ( !seen[char]   ) {
            regexp = ( char ~ /[\\^]/ ? "(\\" char ")" : "[" char "]" ) " "
            string = ( char == "&" ? "\\" : "" ) char
    return newStr

BEGIN { FS=OFS="\"" }
    for (i=2; i<NF; i =2) {
        $i = compress($i)

$ awk -f tst.awk file

Original answer:

$ cat tst.awk
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i  ) {
        fld = $i
        lgth = length($i)
        delete seen
        for (j=1; j<lgth; j  ) {
            char = substr($i,j,1)
            if ( !seen[char]   ) {
                regexp = ( char ~ /[\\^]/ ? "(\\" char ")" : "[" char "]" ) " "
                string = ( char == "&" ? "\\" : "" ) char
        $i = fld

$ awk -f tst.awk file
satelites satélîtès satélîts satélîtès stlts 1257
marginaly mār#ĝínálý mājénélê mār#ĝínál-ý mr#ĝnlý 1252
stroled strôlèd strôld strôlèd strld 12512
franticaly frantícàlý frantéclê frantícàl-ý frntclý 12519
basebal bâsèbål bâsbøl bâsèbål bsbl 1257

See https://stackoverflow.com/a/29626460/1745001 for why I special-case \ and ^ when making each char literal while creating the regexp and why I escape & for the replacement string before calling gsub().

Note that I'm doing the above field by field because you specifically said I want to process it field by field rather than line by line - it'd obviously be briefer and more efficient to do it a whole line at a time.

If you truly only want to operate on letters (not numbers or punctuation) then change this:

if ( !seen[char]   ) {

to this:

if ( (char ~ /[[:alpha:]]/) && !seen[char]   ) {

For example note how the numbers and dashes aren't compressed in the output below:

$ cat tst.awk
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i  ) {
        fld = $i
        lgth = length($i)
        delete seen
        for (j=1; j<lgth; j  ) {
            char = substr($i,j,1)
            if ( (char ~ /[[:alpha:]]/) && !seen[char]   ) {
                regexp = ( char ~ /[\\^]/ ? "(\\" char ")" : "[" char "]" ) " "
                string = ( char == "&" ? "\\" : "" ) char
        $i = fld

satelites satélîtès satélîts satélîtès stlts 11257
marginaly mār#ĝínálý mājénélê mār#ĝínál--ý mr#ĝnlý 12252
stroled strôlèd strôld strôlèd strld 12512
franticaly frantícàlý frantéclê frantícàl--ý frntclý 12519
basebal bâsèbål bâsbøl bâsèbål bsbl 12557

CodePudding user response:

Reading this page awk does not support back references.

To leave alone the whitespace chars (if those are the field separators) you can use sed and match a non whitespace char followed by a backreference

sed -E 's/([^[:space:]])\1/\1/g' file

CodePudding user response:

What version of awk are you using? Some versions don't support backreferences.

You could consider using Perl with the -p (read a file and print $_ after each line) and -F (split each line into the @F list) flags to get awk-like behavior:

# cat test.txt
fo foo ffooo
bar baar bbaaarrrr
# perl -pF=' ' -e 'for (@F) {s/(.)\1/$1/g}; $_ = join(" ", @F)' test.txt
fo fo foo
bar bar baarr
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