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x86 nasm assembly, how to print multiplication result correctly?


So I have found numerous answers for this on Stack Overflow but I still cannot get it to work. What is wrong with my code?

        mov al, 12
        mov bl, 12
        mul bl          ; answer in ax

        mov bx, 10          ; Divisor constant
        xor cx, cx          ; Clear counter
        .a: xor dx, dx      ; Clear dx
            div bx          ; Divide ax with bx, quotient in al, remainder in ah 
            mov dh, ah      ; Move ah to dh, so we can push the 16 bit register of dx
            push dx         ; Push dx which contains the remainder
            inc cx          ; Increment counter
            test al, al     ; If al (the quotient) is not zero, loop again. 
            jnz .a          
        .b: pop dx          ; Pop the last remainder to dx from stack
            add dx, '0'     ; Add '0' to make it into character
            push cx         ; Push loop counter to stack so printing wont interfere with it
            mov eax, 4      ; 
            mov ebx, 1      ;
            mov ecx, edx    ; Print last popped character
            mov edx, 1      ;
            int 0x80        ;
            pop cx          ; Pop the loop counter back to cx
            loop .b         ; loop for as long as cx is not 0

CodePudding user response:

The AAM instruction could be useful for cases where the result would have at most 2 digits. In your case 12 x 12 = 144, so that's a no-go.

The conversion loop that you use is almost correct, but you are mixing sizes in relation to the DIV instruction. If you give a byte-sized operand to DIV then the operation will divide AX by that byte and the remainder will be in AH. If you give a word-sized operand to DIV then the operation will divide DX:AX by that word and the remainder will be in DX.

Because you're writing 32-bit code, better also write the conversion using 32-bit registers.

Instead of using a digits counter, use a sentinel on the stack. No need to preserve ECX while displaying.

The display function expects a pointer in ECX. Just use the stackpointer for this and pop the value post-printing.

    mov   al, 12
    mov   bl, 12
    mul   bl               ; answer in AX
    movzx eax, ax

    mov   ebx, 10          ; Divisor constant
    push  ebx              ; Sentinel
.a: xor   edx, edx
    div   ebx              ; Divide EDX:EAX with EBX, quotient EAX, remainder EDX 
    add   edx, '0'         ; Add '0' to make it into character
    push  edx
    test  eax, eax         ; If EAX (the quotient) is not zero, loop again. 
    jnz   .a

.b: mov   eax, 4
    mov   ebx, 1
    mov   ecx, esp
    mov   edx, 1
    int   0x80
    pop   eax
    cmp   dword [esp], 10  ; Is it the sentinel ?
    jne   .b               ; No, it's a digit
    pop   eax              ; Remove sentinel

Although not 32-code, Displaying numbers with DOS has more info about converting numbers into text.

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