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Finding 10 longest words that are in both text files c#


I have two different text files and I have to find 10 longest words that are in both of them. I have to print the list of those words out and write the frequency - how many times they are repeated in those separate files. The problem I have with my current code is that it finds the words, but when it comes to frequency - it combines the frequency count. How can I change the code to know the frequency count for separate files?

Here is my code for finding words that are in both text files:

        public static Dictionary<string, int> PopularWords(string data1, string data2, char[] punctuation)
            string[] book1 = data1.Split(punctuation, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] book2 = data2.Split(punctuation, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            Dictionary<string, int> matches = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < book1.Length; i  )
                if (matches.ContainsKey(book1[i]))
                    matches[book1[i]]  ;
                for (int j = 0; j < book2.Length; j  )
                    if (book1[i] == book2[j])
                        if (matches.ContainsKey(book1[i]))
                            matches[book1[i]]  ;
                        } else
                            matches.Add(book1[i], 2);
            return matches;

And here is my code for reading and printing:

        public static void ProcessPopular(string data, string data1, string results)
            char[] punctuation = { ' ', '.', ',', '!', '?', ':', ';', '(', ')', '\n' };
            string lines = File.ReadAllText(data, Encoding.UTF8);
            string lines2 = File.ReadAllText(data1, Encoding.UTF8);

            var popular = PopularWords(lines, lines2, punctuation);

            KeyValuePair<string, int>[] popularWords = popular.ToArray();
            Array.Sort(popularWords, (x, y) => y.Key.Length.CompareTo(x.Key.Length));

            using (var writerF = File.CreateText(results))
                int foundWords = 0;
                writerF.WriteLine("{0, -25} | {1, -35} | {2, -35}", "Longest words", "Frequency in 1 .txt file", "Frequency in 2 .txt file");
                writerF.WriteLine(new string('-', 101));

                // not finished

CodePudding user response:

To simplify, if performance is not the key here, I would go this way:

public static void Method()
    var a = "A deep blue raffle, very deep and blue, raffle raffle. An old one was there";
    var b = "deep blue raffle, very very very long and blue, raffle RAFFLE. A new one was there";
    char[] punctuation = { '.', ',', '!', '?', ':', ';', '(', ')', '\n' };

    var fileOne = new string(a.Where(c => punctuation.Contains(c) is false).ToArray()).Split(" ");
    var fileTwo = new string(b.Where(c => punctuation.Contains(c) is false).ToArray()).Split(" ");
    var duplicates = fileOne.Intersect(fileTwo, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    var result = new List<(int, int, string)>(duplicates.Count());

    foreach(var duplicat in duplicates)
        result.Add((fileOne.Count(x => x.Equals(duplicat, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), fileTwo.Count(x => x.Equals(duplicat, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), duplicat));

    foreach (var val in result)
        Output.WriteLine($"Word: {val.Item3} | In file one: {val.Item1} | In file two: {val.Item2}");

This will give you the result of

Word: A | In file one: 1 | In file two: 1
Word: deep | In file one: 2 | In file two: 1
Word: blue | In file one: 2 | In file two: 2
Word: raffle | In file one: 3 | In file two: 3
Word: very | In file one: 1 | In file two: 3
Word: and | In file one: 1 | In file two: 1
Word: one | In file one: 1 | In file two: 1
Word: was | In file one: 1 | In file two: 1
Word: there | In file one: 1 | In file two: 1

Other requirements, like only 10 words or minimum word length etc can be easily applied.

Please do mind that this a bare-bone example, without any safety checks. It also omits reading data from files.

CodePudding user response:

In case you would be curious about a different coding style, here is a solution using Linq.

This solution is more general: it works whatever number of files you wish to process. This is an extremely raw query that could be separated in smaller queries, but it gives the logical basis.

This is a Linqpad query that you can run directly via copy/paste, but you need to provide the text files of course:

// Choose here how many different words you want.
var resultCount = 10;
// Add as many files as needed.
var Files = new List<string>

// Perform the calculation.
var LongestCommonWords = Files
    .Select(f => new     // Get the text from the file alongside the filename
        FileName = f,
        Text = File.ReadAllText(f)
    .Select(f => new
    {                   // Add the ponctuations marks found in the text (useful later for removing them).
        Punctuation = f.Text
    .SelectMany(f => f.Text.Split()     // Split each text into words.
        .Select(w => w.Trim(f.Punctuation)) // Remove the punctuation.
        .Select(w => new
            Word = w.ToLower(),         // Associate each word with its file.
        .GroupBy(w => w.Word)           // Group by word.
        .Select(g => new                // Create a new object containing the word, 
        {                               // its number of occurence, and the file it comes from.
            Word = g.Key,
            FileOccurence = g.Count(),
            FileName = g.First().FileName
    )                                   // Since it was a SelectMany, now all words of all texts are in a single list
    .GroupBy(w => w.Word)               // Group by word
    .Select(g => new                    // Create a new object that contains the word,
    {                                   // and the number of occurences by file, and the files were it was found
        Word = g.Key,
        OccurencesByFile = g
            .Select(e => new
        FileNames = g
            .Select(e => e.FileName)
    .Where(w => w.FileNames.Count == Files.Count) // Only keep words that were found in all files
    .OrderByDescending(w => w.Word.Length)        // Order then by lenght descending
    .Take(resultCount);                         // Take only the desired amount (10 for instance)

// Display the results.
foreach (var word in LongestCommonWords)
    var occurences = string.Join(
        " / ",
            .Select(f => $"{Path.GetFileName(f.FileName)} - {f.FileOccurence}")
    Console.WriteLine($"{word.Word} - {occurences}");

Here is an output obtained with the content of three Wikipedia pages:

contribution - FileA.txt - 9 / FileB.txt - 1 / FileC.txt - 5

subsequently - FileA.txt - 2 / FileB.txt - 1 / FileC.txt - 1

introduction - FileA.txt - 1 / FileB.txt - 4 / FileC.txt - 3

alternative - FileA.txt - 2 / FileB.txt - 1 / FileC.txt - 1

independent - FileA.txt - 5 / FileB.txt - 3 / FileC.txt - 3

significant - FileA.txt - 2 / FileB.txt - 1 / FileC.txt - 3

established - FileA.txt - 1 / FileB.txt - 1 / FileC.txt - 1

outstanding - FileA.txt - 1 / FileB.txt - 3 / FileC.txt - 3

programming - FileA.txt - 1 / FileB.txt - 2 / FileC.txt - 4

university - FileA.txt - 44 / FileB.txt - 17 / FileC.txt - 7

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