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Sort each dictionary then pivot it


I have a column with dictionaries, keys of dictionaries are randomly ordered, dictionaries may contain different amount of keys (starting from 0) My goal is to sort keys in each row and then pivot them, to make keys column headers and store its` values accordingly.

I made my way from raw data and unpacking from json to writing it into df, and now I`m stuck

A few examples:

{'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9}

{'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42}

{'key_f': 1}

{'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1}

{'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'}

{'key_g': 'trial'}

And I want it to have the next appearance:

key_a   key_b   key_c   key_d   key_e   key_f   key_g   key_h   key_i
273     40      null    1
325     42      9       null     etc
286     41      9       10`

CodePudding user response:


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"Dict Column": [
 {'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9},

{'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42},

{'key_f': 1},

{'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1},

{'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'},

{'key_g': 'trial'}

df = pd.json_normalize(df['Dict Column'])


       key_b  key_d  key_e  key_h  key_f  key_a  key_c    key_g  key_i
0   40.0    1.0   15.0   11.0   15.0  273.0    9.0      NaN    NaN
1   42.0    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN  286.0   10.0      NaN    NaN
2    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    1.0    NaN    NaN      NaN    NaN
3    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    trial    1.0
4   47.0    1.0    3.0    2.0    NaN  325.0   11.0  premium    1.0
5    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    trial    NaN

CodePudding user response:

You can do the following,

  1. Create the dataframe from the dictionaries (I hope you have a column with dictionaries. You can convert the column into a list of dictionaries and then create a dataframe).

  2. Drop duplicates

  3. Sort them

    dict1 = {'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9}
    dict2 = {'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42}
    dict3 = {'key_f': 1}
    dict4 = {'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1}
    dict5 = {'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'}
    dict6 = {'key_g': 'trial'}
    lis = [dict1, dict2, dict3, dict4, dict5, dict6]
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    result = pd.DataFrame()
    for i in range(len(lis)-1):
        df = pd.DataFrame(data = lis[i], index = range(len(lis[i]))).drop_duplicates().append(pd.DataFrame(data = lis[i 1], index = range(len(lis[i 1]))).drop_duplicates())
        result = result.append(df)
    result = result.drop_duplicates()
    result = result.reindex(sorted(result.columns), axis = 1)

This will give the following result: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:


df = pd.DataFrame(
        'col': [
            {'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9},
            {'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42},
            {'key_f': 1},
            {'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1},
            {'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'},
            {'key_g': 'trial'}

you could do

df = pd.DataFrame(df.col.to_list()).sort_index(axis=1)


   key_a  key_b  key_c  key_d  key_e  key_f    key_g  key_h  key_i
0  273.0   40.0    9.0    1.0   15.0   15.0      NaN   11.0    NaN
1  286.0   42.0   10.0    NaN    NaN    NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN
2    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    1.0      NaN    NaN    NaN
3    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    trial    NaN    1.0
4  325.0   47.0   11.0    1.0    3.0    NaN  premium    2.0    1.0
5    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    NaN    trial    NaN    NaN

CodePudding user response:

Cause there is no additional info in your question, how the data frame looks like - I start in my example with a series of the data frame that contains your dicts to explain the steps. See full example at the end.

pd.DataFrame([dict(sorted(x.items())) for x in pd.Series(d)])
  1. Pick your Series

  2. Iterate and sort it:

    [dict(sorted(x.items())) for x in pd.Series(d)]
  3. Create a data frame

    pd.DataFrame([dict(sorted(x.items())) for x in pd.Series(d)])

Additionally you would concat it to your original data Frame.

pd.concat([ORIGINAL_DF, NEW_DF], axis=1)


import pandas as pd

d = [{'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9},
     {'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42},
     {'key_f': 1},
     {'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1},
     {'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'},
     {'key_g': 'trial'}]

pd.DataFrame([dict(sorted(x.items())) for x in pd.Series(d)])


key_a key_b key_c key_d key_e key_f key_h key_g key_i
273.0 40.0 9.0 1.0 15.0 15.0 11.0
286.0 42.0 10.0
trial 1.0
325.0 47.0 11.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 premium 1.0

Example (incl. data frame)

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
        'coldicts':[{'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9},
            {'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42},
            {'key_f': 1},
            {'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1},
            {'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'},
            {'key_g': 'trial'}

pd.concat([df,pd.DataFrame([dict(sorted(x.items())) for x in df.coldicts])], axis=1)
col1 coldicts key_a key_b key_c key_d key_e key_f key_h key_g key_i
1 {'key_b': 40, 'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 15, 'key_h': 11, 'key_f': 15, 'key_a': 273, 'key_c': 9} 273.0 40.0 9.0 1.0 15.0 15.0 11.0
2 {'key_c': 10, 'key_a': 286, 'key_b': 42} 286.0 42.0 10.0
3 {'key_f': 1} 1.0
4 {'key_g': 'trial', 'key_i': 1} trial 1.0
5 {'key_d': 1, 'key_e': 3, 'key_h': 2, 'key_i': 1, 'key_c': 11, 'key_b': 47, 'key_a': 325, 'key_g': 'premium'} 325.0 47.0 11.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 premium 1.0
6 {'key_g': 'trial'} trial
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