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How do I get my list to read certain values?


I am a beginner at python. I have a code that reads a text file from my computer and converts all the text to int. I am struggling with the last few lines in the analyze golf scores function.

I need to tell the code that for a score under 280 to take these values and get the amount, which I know to use Len(score) for but I am going wrong with getting the values in the first place. It should print the number of scores below 180, but I keep getting errors and I am so lost! Any help is appreciated at all! Thank you so much!!!

My error is in the last six lines of code! I don't know how to get it to read the values under 280 in the list :(

The error is:

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'##

on the line:

    if score < 280:
def open_and_read_golf_scores():
    raw_scores = open("golfscores.txt", "r")
    scores = []

    for current_line in raw_scores:
        values = current_line.split(",")


    return scores

def analyze_golf_scores():

    scores = open_and_read_golf_scores()
    total = 0
    for score in scores:
        score = score[0:3]
        total = total  int(score)

    ave = total/len(score)

print("Average score =", ave)

for score in scores:
    if score < 280:
        below_par = total   len(score)
print("The number of scores below par is ", below_par)

CodePudding user response:

This code looks problematic:

    for score in scores:
        score = score[0:3]
        total = total  int(score)

        ave = total/len(score)

    print("Average score =", ave)

    for score in scores:
        if score < 280:
            below_par = total   len(score)
    print("The number of scores below par is ", below_par)
  • The thing you're computing as ave is not the numeric average of the scores, it's the total divided by the number of digits in each score (which is 3). Is that what you meant to compute? Did you mean to divide by len(scores) instead?
  • Your scores are strings, and you're trying to compare them to the number 280, which is why you're getting that TypeError. You should convert them to int as you did above, or better yet, have open_and_read_golf_scores return them as ints in the first place.
  • Right after where you hit that error, you try to do something with values, which is unbound in this scope. Maybe you meant to use score?

A lot of problems will probably go away if your open_and_read_golf_scores function just returns the scores as ints:

from typing import List

def open_and_read_golf_scores() -> List[int]:
    with open("golfscores.txt", "r") as raw_scores:
        return [
            for current_line in raw_scores

Note: I kept the logic of slicing each score to its first three characters, but I have no idea why that's necessary because I can't see the contents of the file -- it feels like it might actually lead to a bug. Is every score really exactly three digits, with appropriate zero-padding? Is there some extra stuff after the score? What is that stuff? Could there be an safer way to get rid of it than making the assumption that the number is always 3 digits long?

Now your analyze_golf_scores function can be much simpler, because you can do basic mathematical operations on scores without having to convert each item in a loop:

from statistics import mean

def analyze_golf_scores() -> None:
    scores = open_and_read_golf_scores()
    ave = mean(scores)
    below_par = sum(score < 280 for score in scores)

    print(f"Average score = {ave}")
    print(f"The number of scores below par is {below_par}")
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