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Why VB.NET than c # (TIOBE)


Have fallen far from figure on the c # and VB.Net, VB.Net, c # has last for at least half a year, c # abandoned by the market? Although Microsoft visual c # for.net first language, the market doesn't seem to agree, what is the reason?

CodePudding user response:

First of all, the Tiobe the website said, their data are for reference only

Second, VB.Net evolved from VB6, because VB6 once glorious and large number of developers, it is easy to go to VB.Net

Again, actually compete with Java, c # lose underwear all have no, lead to many.net application itself despise c #

The last

From what has been discussed above

CodePudding user response:

Casually you will surely see such an article "c # abandoned by the market?" Sigh with emotion, your mind how easy to edit and copywriter to around? ! Energy is used to control weathercock, then you know about programming languages and platforms can how much?

CodePudding user response:

Obviously, c # and vb.net and the vb and vba and ms c language users, is the Microsoft ecosystem,

A programming language is just a symbol, what is behind?

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor tangyanzhi1111 response:
first, Tiobe said the site myself, their data are for reference only

Second, VB.Net evolved from VB6, because VB6 once glorious and large number of developers, it is easy to go to VB.Net

Again, actually compete with Java, c # lose underwear all have no, lead to many.net application itself despise c #

The last

To sum up

First of all, the TIOBE spelled out his statistical basis, based on the search engines for frequency, said one language concern/popularity, relatively few TongJiBang didn't clear from the data, TIOBE more persuasive,
Second, TIOBE once VB.Net + VB6 statistics are close to or less than c #,
Third, regardless of competition from Java, in. Inside.net languages, around the world, VB.Net for more choice, you're right,. In c #.net programmer disagree, because it is essentially similar to Java too (in fact is the offspring of j #), the class is the identity of the Microsoft VB language,
Finally, Microsoft is suited to the market trend force with VB.Net?

CodePudding user response:

Behind programming languages, the programmer programming knowledge by programming language syntax? Just type the name of a programming language, for many analysis, a statistical result is ulterior motives, such as assembly language, c language, etc., because according to different the underlying hardware and software library in their own way and is completely fragmented, and then such as development of web development with large server systems, as well as on a training course will write an entry-level Java mobile phone app or object - c programmers is also fundamentally different crowd, with 5 or 6 days can learn the grammar of the programming language to illustrate a need to know more than 5 years to develop certain framework and background knowledge of industry software programmers, this is the false propaganda some training classes often dry,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor sp1234 response:
casually you will surely see such an article "c # abandoned by the market?" Sigh with emotion, your mind how easy to edit and copywriter to around? ! Energy is used to control weathercock, then you know about programming languages and platforms can how much?

Great god, TIOBE statistics isn't everything, or on behalf of a kind of trend, to a certain extent, at least now learn vb.net people than c #, the result can't say that is to do the list of the manipulation, the somebody else has a clear methods of data collection, and this site always kiss c #, its own products, c #

CodePudding user response:

, for example, a person is poor, the more he tried on the network, bank loans to desperately query all sorts of pit dad information, the more the more junior person easy to knot in addition to spam, but those who have their own business is not so easy to put their own background picture "get spent," he can do their things, unless it is for business reasons so must intentionally to deliberately "padded accounts or bills to MLM training" to cheat others,

CodePudding user response:

reference sp1234 reply: 3/f
apparently, c # and vb.net and the vb and vba and ms c language users, is the Microsoft ecosystem,

A programming language is just a symbol, what is behind?

You are right, there is no essential difference between c # and VB.net, are ultimately MSIL, from the standpoint of the operating system, c # and Java no distinction, eventually to invoke the operating system apis,
But, in fact, 95% of development application programmers do end, they don't write MSIL, also not directly invoke the operating system apis, more don't write the underlying driver directly manipulate hardware,
Language symbols, therefore, important to application of client-side developer, to a large degree is a kind of way of thinking, in addition, a language of dozens of key words, judgments, loop statement of writing itself is small, really want to learn is that accompany with the language support library or framework, need to accumulate words for a long time,
In addition, the heat of a language is very important, why do you always does Java high-paying jobs than..net? Java low hand also in the field of many, but does not block the somebody else can provide more jobs, many levels not Java heat?
Hot, a language means being known to more people, sometimes use what language development is not only the developer's choice, non-technical personnel (especially manager) may be more big decisions, it is also a popular professor or the school's language is more dominant,

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 floor sp1234 reply:
behind programming languages, the programmer programming knowledge by programming language grammar? Simply type the name of a programming language, for many analysis, a statistical result is ulterior motives, such as assembly language, c language, etc., because according to different the underlying hardware and software library in their own way and is completely fragmented, and then such as development of web development with large server systems, as well as on a training course will write an entry-level Java mobile phone app or object - c programmers are also radically different crowd, with 5 or 6 days can learn the grammar of the programming language to illustrate a need to know more than 5 years to develop certain framework and background knowledge of industry software programmers, this is some training classes often do false propaganda,

Can clearly from the hardware structure to the assembly to the operating system to the front-end applications. Only 5 or 6 days of training course is claimed to have mastered the language, both are extreme cases, the former one is a genius, the latter is a fool,
Most people lie somewhere in between, there is no great talent, is willing to spend at least two or three years to learn a language (and related framework), but choose a different path (language or development) earnings can vary greatly, typically, a few years ago some Android developers may did not even learn Java itself, but also can do the so-called APP, wage income may far exceed the development in the enterprise after ten years of Java developers,
So, sometimes it's also important to grasp the trend, can get high profits, with less pay especially couple,

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor sp1234 response:
, for example, a person is poor, the more he tried on the network, bank loans to desperately query all sorts of pit dad information, the more the more junior person easy to knot in addition to spam, but those who have their own business is not so easy to put their own background picture "get spent," he can do their things, unless it is for business reasons so must intentionally to deliberately "padded accounts or bills to MLM training to deceive others,

You this inference is too subjective, it seems that only the lower part of the people to search, ace to despise online search,
Look ahead of C #, Java, C and C + + is low?

CodePudding user response:

Illustrate the rankings bullshit, search engines, can really?

Words if Google using the search engine the visitor's IP the population of each country, he can also send a news: Chinese people die!

CodePudding user response:

11 references caozhy response:
indicates the rankings bullshit, search engines, can really?

Words if Google using the search engine the visitor's IP the population of each country, he can also send a news: Chinese people die!

The name of a programming language with IP matter?
Google use to search information to predict flu than CDC division three month before the release of information, really doesn't make sense?

CodePudding user response:

refer to 12 floor miles_pan reply:
Quote: reference 11 floor caozhy response:

Illustrate the rankings bullshit, search engines, can really?

Words if Google using the search engine the visitor's IP the population of each country, he can also send a news: Chinese people die!

The name of a programming language with IP matter?
Google use to search information to predict flu than CDC division three month before the release of information, really doesn't make sense?

What do you want to express

CodePudding user response:

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