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Converting an array of data to JSON using a property map


I am trying to convert a 2d array into a json object using a key map. The key map looks like

var keys = ['id', 'title', 'customer.id', 'customer.name', 'customer.phone.home', 'customer.phone.mobile' ];

and the data is

var data = [
  [1, 'Task 1', 'C1', 'Customer 1', '999', '8888'],
  [2, 'Task 2', 'C2', 'Customer 2', '333', '5555']

Output JSON should be

    var output = [
      "title":"Task 1",
         "name":"Customer 1",
      "title":"Task 2",
         "name":"Customer 2",

I am trying to do it something like but I am not good here making smerecursion etc. Could anyone help please?

function arrToJSON(headers, data){
  var output = [];
  data.forEach(row, index){
    var cObj = {};
    headers.forEach(header, itemIndex){
      var headerParts = header.split('.');
      // NOt sure what to do here

CodePudding user response:

You can easily achieve the result using map and reduce in js.

createObj(acc, curr.split("."), 0, o[index]);

is the function that is used in recursion and that is what you're looking for.


      acc,                  // object in which you want to add value
      curr.split("."),      // send path as an array
      0,                    // current index in path, initially zero
      o[index]              // value to be assigned

var keys = [

var data = [
  [1, "Task 1", "C1", "Customer 1", "999", "8888"],
  [2, "Task 2", "C2", "Customer 2", "333", "5555"],

function createObj(obj, arr, index, value) {
  if (index === arr.length - 1) obj[arr[index]] = value;
  else {
    if (!obj[arr[index]]) obj[arr[index]] = {};
    createObj(obj[arr[index]], arr, index   1, value);

const result = data.map((o) => {
  return keys.reduce((acc, curr, index) => {
    createObj(acc, curr.split("."), 0, o[index]);
    return acc;
  }, {});

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CodePudding user response:

You can use simply use destructure and spread operator with reduce.

var data = [
  [1, "Task 1", "C1", "Customer 1", "999", "8888"],
  [2, "Task 2", "C2", "Customer 2", "333", "5555"],

const buildObject = (arr = []) => {
  return arr.reduce((acc, [id, title, cid, name, home, mobile]) => {
    const row = {
      customer: { id: cid, name, phone: { home, mobile } },
    return acc.concat(row);
  }, []);

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