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Laravel 8: Syntax error, unexpected 'endif' (T_ENDIF)


im doing the Laravel 8 from Scratch Tutorial but get the Error "Syntax error, unexpected 'endif' (T_ENDIF)". Cant find where the problem is because there is not even a "@if" statement in the file which is throwing the error. The file is the header for filtering posts. It seems the dropdown component which is responsible for selecting a post category is the reason for the problem, because everything workes fine when i comment this out.

I have shared the Error Code on flareapp.io

Dropdown Component:


<div x-data="{ show:false }" @click.away="show = false">
    <div @click="show = ! show">
        {{ $trigger }}

    <div x-show="show" class="py-2 absolute bg-gray-100 mt-2 rounded-xl w-32 z-50" style="display: none">
        {{ $slot }}

Dropdown-item Component:

@props(['active' => false])

$classes = 'block text-left px-3 text-sm loading-6 hover:bg-blue-500 focues:bg-blue-500 hover:text-white focus:text-white';

if ($active) {
    $classes  = 'bg-blue-500 text-white';

<a {{ $attributes(['class' => $classes]) }}>
    {{ $slot }}

Posts header:

<header class="max-w-xl mx-auto mt-20 text-center">
    <h1 class="text-4xl">
        Latest <span class="text-blue-500">Laravel From Scratch</span> News

    <h2 class="inline-flex mt-2">By Lary Laracore <img src="./images/lary-head.svg" alt="Head of Lary the mascot"></h2>

    <p class="text-sm mt-14">
        Another year. Another update. We're refreshing the popular Laravel series with new content.
        I'm going to keep you guys up to speed with what's going on!

    <div class="space-y-2 lg:space-y-0 lg:space-x-4 mt-8">
        <!--  Category -->
        <div class="relative lg:inline-flex bg-gray-100 rounded-xl">

                <x-slot name="trigger">
                    <button class="py-2 pl-3 pr-9 text-sm font-semibold w-full lg:w-32 text-left flex lg:inline-flex">

                        {{ isset($currentCategory) ? ucwords($currentCategory->name) : 'Categories' }}

                        <svg class="transform -rotate-90 absolute pointer-events-none" style="right: 12px;" width="22"
                            height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22">
                            <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
                                <path stroke="#000" stroke-opacity=".012" stroke-width=".5" d="M21 1v20.16H.84V1z">
                                <path fill="#222"
                                    d="M13.854 7.224l-3.847 3.856 3.847 3.856-1.184 1.184-5.04-5.04 5.04-5.04z"></path>

                <x-dropdown-item href="/blog/" :active="request()->routeIs(" none")">

                @foreach ($categories as $category)
                    <x-dropdown-item href="/blog/categories/{{ $category->slug }}" :active="request()->is("
                        {{ ucwords($category->name) }}


        <!-- Other Filters -->
        <div class="relative flex lg:inline-flex items-center bg-gray-100 rounded-xl">
            <select class="flex-1 appearance-none bg-transparent py-2 pl-3 pr-9 text-sm font-semibold">
                <option value="category" disabled selected>Other Filters
                <option value="foo">Foo
                <option value="bar">Bar

            {{-- ERROR THROWN IN NEXT LINE --}}
            <svg class="transform -rotate-90 absolute pointer-events-none" style="right: 12px;" width="22" height="22"
                viewBox="0 0 22 22">
                <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
                    <path stroke="#000" stroke-opacity=".012" stroke-width=".5" d="M21 1v20.16H.84V1z">
                    <path fill="#222" d="M13.854 7.224l-3.847 3.856 3.847 3.856-1.184 1.184-5.04-5.04 5.04-5.04z">

        <!-- Search -->
        <div class="relative flex lg:inline-flex items-center bg-gray-100 rounded-xl px-3 py-2">
            <form method="GET" action="#">
                <input type="text" name="search" placeholder="Find something"
                    class="bg-transparent placeholder-black font-semibold text-sm">

CodePudding user response:

Try this

@foreach ($categories as $category)
    <x-dropdown-item href="/blog/categories/{{ $category->slug }}" :active="request()->is('categories/' . $category->slug)">
        {{ ucwords($category->name) }}
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