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Extract certain columns from data frame R


My data frame looks like this:

   x s1   s2 s3  s4
1 x1  1 1954  1 yes
2 x2  2 1955  1  no
3 x3  1 1976  2 yes
4 x4  2 1954  2 yes
5 x5  3 1943  1  no

Sample data:

df <- data.frame(x=c('x1','x2','x3','x4','x5'),

Is it possible to extract the data frame's columns containing integers 1 to 3? For example, the new data frame would look like:

   x s1 s3
1 x1  1  1
2 x2  2  1
3 x3  1  2
4 x4  2  2
5 x5  3  1

Is it possible to change the s1 and s3 columns to 0 or 1 depending on whether or not the value in the column is 1? The altered data frame would then look like:

 x s1 s3
1 x1  1  1
2 x2  0  1
3 x3  1  0
4 x4  0  0
5 x5  0  1

CodePudding user response:

base R

newdf <- df[, unique(c("x", names(which(sapply(df, function(z) is.numeric(z) & any(c(1, 3) %in% z)))))), drop = FALSE]
#    x s1 s3
# 1 x1  1  1
# 2 x2  2  1
# 3 x3  1  2
# 4 x4  2  2
# 5 x5  3  1

newdf[-1] <- lapply(newdf[-1], function(z)  (z == 1))
#    x s1 s3
# 1 x1  1  1
# 2 x2  0  1
# 3 x3  1  0
# 4 x4  0  0
# 5 x5  0  1


  • first, we determine which columns are numbers and contain the numbers 1 or 3:

    sapply(df, function(z) is.numeric(z) & any(c(1, 3) %in% z))
    #     x    s1    s2    s3    s4 

    This will exclude any column that is not numeric, meaning that a character column that contains a literal "1" or "3" will not be retained. This is complete inference on my end; if you want to accept the string versions then remove the is.numeric(z) component.

  • second, we extract the names of those that are true, and prepend "x"

    c("x", names(which(sapply(df, function(z) is.numeric(z) & any(c(1, 3) %in% z)))))
    # [1] "x"  "s1" "s3"
  • wrap that in unique(.) if, for some reason, "x" is also numeric and contains 1 or 3 (this step is purely defensive, you may not strictly need it)

  • select those columns, defensively adding drop=FALSE so that if only one column is matched, it still returns a full data.frame

  • replace just those columns (excluding the first column which is "x") with 0 or 1; the z == 1 returns logical, and the wrapping (..) converts logical to 0 (false) or 1 (true).


df %>%
  select(x, where(~ is.numeric(.) & any(c(1, 3) %in% .))) %>%
  mutate(across(-x, ~  (. == 1)))
#    x s1 s3
# 1 x1  1  1
# 2 x2  0  1
# 3 x3  1  0
# 4 x4  0  0
# 5 x5  0  1

CodePudding user response:

I think this is what you expect :

my_df <- data.frame(x=c('x1','x2','x3','x4','x5'),

my_df$end <- apply(my_df, 2, function(x) paste(x, collapse = " "))
my_df <- my_df %>% group_by(x) %>% mutate(end2 = paste(str_extract_all(string = end, pattern = "1|2|3", simplify = TRUE), collapse = " "))
my_var <- which(my_df$end == my_df$end2)
my_df[, my_var] <- t(apply(my_df[, my_var], 1, function(x) ifelse(test = x == 1, yes = 1, no = 0)))
my_df <- my_df[, c(1, my_var)]
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