I am trying to parse a domain that has more than two period's in the string.
So for example, I am trying to get sjmktmail-batch1a.marketo.org
into marketo.org
I tried using split and a range from the list like this:
testdata = sjmktmail-batch1a.marketo.org
but that didn't work.
doing testdata.split(".")[1]
brings up marketo
but I want marketo.org
Sorry, my main language is python, so some javascript concepts confuse me. I assume you can't get a range of an array/list by using [x:x]
My main goal is to get a domain like domain.com
so for example:
fdasdadio.conglomo.com would be conglomo.com
billy.fdaoco.codsaso.mainbug.com would be mainbug.com
purple.red.bri.noschool.edu would be noschool.edu
Pretty sure I am missing a concept that would make this easy.
CodePudding user response:
You can do it by a chain of split
, slice
, join
. like this:
means get two last items from array.
const str = 'billy.fdaoco.codsaso.mainbug.com';
const domain = str.split('.').slice(-2).join('.');
CodePudding user response:
One line code:
const input = "sjmktmail-batch1a.marketo.org";
var data =input.split('.') // ["sjmktmail-batch1a", "marketo", "org"]
data = data.slice(1); // ["sjmktmail-batch1a"]
const output = data.join('.'); // "marketo.org"
CodePudding user response:
It's as easy as splitting the string, and getting the last two elements of the string, right?
var str = "sjmktmail-batch1a.marketo.org"
var arr = str.split(".");
console.log(arr[arr.length-2] "." arr[arr.length-1])