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bash convert rows into columns in table format


I'm trying to convert rows into columns in table format.

Server Name            : dev1-151vd
  Status                 : DONE
  Begin time             : 2021-12-20 04:30:05.458719-05:00
  End time               : 2021-12-20 04:33:15.549731-05:00

  Server Name            : dev2-152vd
  Status                 : DONE
  Begin time             : 2021-12-20 04:30:05.405746-05:00
  End time               : 2021-12-20 04:30:45.212935-05:00

I used the following awk script to transpose rows into columns

awk -F":" -v n=4 \
  'BEGIN { x=1; c=0;} 
    c <= n && x == 1 {print $1; buf = buf $2 "\n";
       if(c == n) {x = 2; printf buf} next;}
    c <=n {printf "%4s\n", $2}' temp1.txt | \
   paste - - - - | \
   column -t -s "$(printf "\t")"

Server Name                Status                      Begin time                 End time
 dev1-151vd                  DONE                       2021-12-20 04               2021-12-20 04
 dev2-152vd                  DONE                       2021-12-20 04              2021-12-20 04

The above o/p doesn't have proper begin time & End time,Please let me know how to get the formatting right so the time is printed appropriately.

CodePudding user response:

See this script:

awk -F": " -v n=4 \
  'BEGIN { x=1; c=0;} 
    c <= n && x == 1 {print $1; buf = buf $2 "\n";
       if(c == n) {x = 2; printf buf} next;}
    c <=n {printf "%4s\n", $2}' 20211222.txt | \
   paste - - - - | \
   column -t -s "$(printf "\t")"


Server Name                Status                     Begin time                        End time
dev1-151vd               DONE                       2021-12-20 04:30:05.458719-05:00  2021-12-20 04:33:15.549731-05:00
dev2-152vd               DONE                       2021-12-20 04:30:05.405746-05:00  2021-12-20 04:30:45.212935-05:00

Explanation: In awk, the -F option means field-separator. In your code you used a colon to separate columns from one another. However in your input, some lines have more than 1 colon (i.e. your timestamp field alone has 3 colons) therefore awk interprets these as having 5 columns.

The solution is to add a whitespace to your field separator (": "), since your input does have a whitespace after the first colon and before your second column.

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