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Shinyapps.io Converting All Numeric Data to NA


I am trying to render a table on shinyapps.io, but it is populating with all NA's. I am scraping NCAA basketball spreads from Shiny App Running Locally

Running on shinyapps.io (with same exact code)

CodePudding user response:

It seems that the spread_table after scraping may be post-processed in a way that couldn't convert the extracted substring into numeric class - i.e. when we do as.numeric, if there is any character, it may convert to NA.

In the below code, select the columns of interest after scraping, then extract the substring from the 'game_info' column to split into 'date', 'time', 'away_team_name' and 'home_team_name' based on a regex pattern matching and capturing ((...)) those groups that meet the criteria. (^(\\S )) - captures the first group as one or more non white spaces characters from the start (^) of the string, followed by one or more white space (\\s ), then capture characters that are not newline character (([^\n] )) followed by any character that is not letter ([^A-Za-z] ), capture third groups as one or more characters not the newline followed by again the characters not a letter and capture the rest of the characters ((.*)). Then loop across the 'BetMGM' to 'FanDuel', extract the substring characters not having u or - and is followed by a space ((?=\\s)), replace the substring fraction with 0.5 (as there was only a single fraction), loop over the string and evalutate the string

spread_table1 <- spread_table %>%
   dplyr::select(game_info, BetMGM, Caesers, FanDuel) %>% 
   tidyr::extract(game_info, into = c("date", "time", "away_team_name", 
    "home_team_name"), "^(\\S )\\s ([^\n] )[^A-Za-z] ([^\n] )[^A-Za-z] (.*)")  %>% 
   dplyr::mutate(across(BetMGM:FanDuel, ~
    purrr::map_dbl(stringr::str_replace(str_extract(., "-?[^-u] (?=\\s)"), 
           "(\\d )½", "(\\1   0.5)"), ~ eval(parse(text = .x)))))
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