This is a bit hard to explain without showing the full concept, but I will try. I have table of Employees in Record.razor.cs
- this.PersonellData
. I am adding new Employee into table by this method:
private void AddNew()
this.PersonellData.Add(new Personell
Id = i 1,
Name = "John " i,
From = DateTime.Today new TimeSpan(8, 30, 0),
Category = this.selectedCategoryValue,
this.DiaryRecord.Employees = new List<Personell>(this.PersonellData);
i ;
However after adding employee I would like to change category and (From) time in UI. I am able to do it in UI, but data is not changing in List<model>
itself. I set breakpoint at
private async Task OnCreateNewDiaryRecord()
if (true)
this.DiaryRecordModel = new DiaryRecord
Id = this.DiaryRecordModel.Id,
Title = this.DiaryRecordModel.Title,
Description = this.DiaryRecordModel.Description,
Employees = this.DiaryRecordModel.Employees,
Date = this.SelectedDate,
await OnInitializedAsync();
isDialogVisible = false;
in Index.razor.cs there are no changes I have done in UI to each employee in the list. Any suggestions how to get it working? Should I add methods like OnChange for each UI item, but how to proceed forward with updating actual list?
Here is DiaryRecord.cs:
public class DiaryRecord
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public ICollection<Personell> Employees { get; set; }
Here is UI part of list items
<Table DataSource="this.PersonellData" RowClassName="@(_=>"editable-row")" Bordered [email protected]>
<Column Title="From" TData="DateTime">
<TimePicker TValue="DateTime?" @bind-Value="@context.From" OnChange="this.OnDateValueChanged" />
<Column Title="Category" DataIndex="@nameof(context.Category)" TData="string">
<Select DataSource="@this.CategoryList"
I have tried with OnChange="this.OnDateValueChanged"
, but don't know how to proceed forward.
CodePudding user response:
Don't call OnInitializedAsync() from your own code. And when you do it will not trigger a UI update.
//await OnInitializedAsync();
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); // Invoke probably not needed. Just in case.
CodePudding user response:
I've seen your project. There are plenty of errors of code and design. I'm going to display below the code that somehow works. Copy and test it.
@page "/"
@using AntDesign
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Welcome to your new app.
<br />
<br />
<Button Type="button" OnClick="@(()=>{ this.isDialogVisible = true; })">
Add Record
<Button Type="button" OnClick="Success">
<Record DiaryRecord="DiaryRecordModel"></Record>
<Modal Title="Create new record"
OnCancel="(e)=>{this.isDialogVisible = false;}">
<Form Model="this.DiaryRecordModel"
OnFinish="(e) => this.OnCreateNewDiaryRecord()">
<Record DiaryRecord=this.DiaryRecordModel />
<FormItem WrapperColOffset="8" WrapperColSpan="16">
<Button Type="@ButtonType.Primary" HtmlType="submit">
<Button OnClick="(e)=>{this.isDialogVisible = false;}">Cancel</Button>
using AntDesign;
using BlazorAppAntDemo.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BlazorAppAntDemo.Pages
public partial class Index
public MessageService Message { get; set; }
private DiaryRecord DiaryRecordModel { get; set; } = new DiaryRecord();
private bool isDialogVisible;
private DateTime SelectedDate { get; set; }
public Index()
this.DiaryRecordModel = new DiaryRecord();
this.DiaryRecordModel.Date = DateTime.Now;
protected override void OnInitialized()
private async Task OnCreateNewDiaryRecord()
if (true)
this.DiaryRecordModel = new DiaryRecord
Id = this.DiaryRecordModel.Id,
Title = this.DiaryRecordModel.Title,
Description = this.DiaryRecordModel.Description,
Employees = this.DiaryRecordModel.Employees,
Date = this.SelectedDate,
// await OnInitializedAsync();
await Task.Yield();
isDialogVisible = false;
private async Task Success()
await this.Message.Success("This is a success message");
@page "/record"
@using BlazorAppAntDemo.Models
<Collapse DefaultActiveKey="@(new[] { "1" })"
<Panel Header="Basic information" Key="1">
<Form Model="DiaryRecord">
<FormItem Label="Record title" NoStyle>
<Input @bind-Value="@this.DiaryRecord.Title" />
<FormItem Label="Description" NoStyle>
<Input @bind-Value="@this.DiaryRecord.Description" />
<FormItem Label="Date" NoStyle>
<DatePicker @bind-Value="@this.DiaryRecord.Date" ShowTime="@true" OnChange="this.OnDateSelected" />
<Panel Header="Personell" Key="2">
<Button OnClick="this.AddNew" Type="button" Style="margin-bottom:16px">
Add person
<Table DataSource="this.PersonellData" RowClassName="@(_=>"editable-row")" Bordered [email protected]>
<Column Title="Id" DataIndex="@nameof(context.Id)" TData="int"></Column>
<Column Title="Name" DataIndex="@nameof(context.Name)" TData="string"></Column>
<Column Title="From" TData="DateTime">
<TimePicker TValue="DateTime?" @bind-Value="@context.From" OnChange="this.OnDateValueChanged" />
<Column Title="Category" DataIndex="@nameof(context.Category)" TData="string">
<Select DataSource="@this.CategoryList"
<ActionColumn Title="Action">
<Popconfirm Title="Sure to delete?"
OnConfirm="()=> this.Delete(context.Id)"
<Button Danger>Delete</Button>
<Panel Header="Attachments" Key="3">
<span >
<label for="upload">
<div >
<div tabindex="0" style="position:relative;">
<InputFile OnChange="@this.OnFileSelection" multiple id="upload" hidden accept=".png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif" />
<div >
@if (this.ImgUrls.Any())
@foreach (var url in this.ImgUrls)
<img src="@url" alt="avatar" style="width: 100%" />
<Icon Spin="this.loading" Type="@(this.loading?"Loading":"plus")"></Icon>
<div className="ant-upload-text">Upload</div>
<Panel Header="Another one 1" Key="4">
<Panel Header="Another one 2" Key="5">
<h3>Hola 2</h3>
<Panel Header="Another one 3" Key="6">
<h3>Hola 3</h3>
@code {
using AntDesign;
using BlazorAppAntDemo.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BlazorAppAntDemo.Pages
public partial class Record
[Inject] private MessageService Message { get; set; }
[Inject] private NotificationService Notice { get; set; }
private string ExpandIconPosition { get; set; }
private int i = 1;
private List<Category> CategoryList { get; set; }
private string selectedCategoryValue;
private IQueryable<Personell> PersonellData { get; set; }
private List<string> ImgUrls { get; set; }
private List<FileData> FileData { get; set; }
private string imageUrl;
private int maxFileSize;
private byte[] profilePictureByteArray;
private bool loading;
[Parameter] public DiaryRecord DiaryRecord { get; set; }
public Record()
this.ExpandIconPosition = "left";
this.PersonellData = new List<Personell>().AsQueryable();
this.CategoryList = new List<Category>();
this.ImgUrls = new List<string>();
this.FileData = new List<FileData>();
this.maxFileSize = 400000;
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.CategoryList.Add(new Category { CategoryName = "CategoryA", CategorySymbol = "A" });
this.CategoryList.Add(new Category { CategoryName = "CategoryB", CategorySymbol = "B" });
this.CategoryList.Add(new Category { CategoryName = "CategoryC", CategorySymbol = "C" });
this.CategoryList.Add(new Category { CategoryName = "CategoryD", CategorySymbol = "D" });
private void AddNew()
this.PersonellData.Append(new Personell
Id = i 1,
Name = "John " i,
From = DateTime.Today new TimeSpan(7, 30, 0),
Category = this.selectedCategoryValue,
this.DiaryRecord.Employees = new List<Personell>(this.PersonellData);
i ;
private void Delete(int id)
this.PersonellData = this.PersonellData.Where(d => d.Id != id);
private void OnSelectedCategoryChangedHandler(Category value)
this.selectedCategoryValue = value.CategoryName;
private void OnDateValueChanged()
private void OnDateSelected(DateTimeChangedEventArgs args)
this.DiaryRecord.Date = args.Date;
private void Callback(string[] keys)
private async Task OnFileSelection(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
foreach (IBrowserFile file in e.GetMultipleFiles(this.maxFileSize))
if (file.Size < this.maxFileSize)
IBrowserFile imgFile = file;
this.profilePictureByteArray = new byte[imgFile.Size];
await imgFile.OpenReadStream().ReadAsync(profilePictureByteArray);
string imageType = imgFile.ContentType;
this.imageUrl = $"data:{imageType};base64,{Convert.ToBase64String(profilePictureByteArray)}";
this.FileData.Add(new FileData
Data = profilePictureByteArray,
FileType = imageType,
Size = imgFile.Size
await Message.Error("File is too large!", 5);
await this.Notice.Open(new NotificationConfig()
Message = "title",
Duration = 0,
Description = "File is too large!"
You should also add <AntContainer />
, perhaps at the top of the App component (App.razor)
Note: I ran your code in Net5.0 in which you must tell the compiler that a given type is nullable individually. As I didn't want to waste my time, I removed the nullability. If you have some issues related to this let me know. My code works, but is not complete