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SVG foreignObject form not showing


I'm trying to build a contact form inside svg shape. It is a pretty complicated shape exported from Corel Draw. But <foreignObject> is not showing at all. I'm using Chrome.

Here is my code

.str0 {stroke:#EBEBEB;stroke-width:15.4479}
.str2 {stroke:#ED174A;stroke-width:686.579}
.str1 {stroke:#ABD4EC;stroke-width:51.4929;stroke-dasharray:51.492915 154.478745}
.fil1 {fill:none}
.fil0 {fill:#EBECEC}
.fil3 {fill:#001F49}
.fil2 {fill:#8BC1FF}
.fil4 {fill:#FEFEFE;fill-rule:nonzero}
      display: block;
      margin:0 auto;
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        <g id="Layer_x0020_1">

            <g >
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                    <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
                        <input type="text"/>
                        <input type="text"/>

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                    <polygon id="6"  points="33319,11962 33993,11962 33993,12139 33766,12139 33766,12679 33545,12679 33545,12139 33319,12139 "/>


As you can see, the form with inputs is not showing. I tried adding xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" to svg. Starting tags with xhtml:. Adding xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" directly to form. But none of these helped. I don't know what else I could try. Thank you for ideas.

CodePudding user response:

This is a scale issue.

viewBox="0 0 35594 26745"

These numbers are very big. The inputs are there, but so small you can't see them. They're hidden in the top left of the svg.

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