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columns names are not matching with row values as expected


data = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,  2 , 3],

                   'question': ['first country visited?', 'first city visited?' , 'two cities we love?'],
                   'answer1': ['UK', 'Paris', 'CA'],
                   'answer2': ['US', 0.4, 'Paris'],
                   'answer3': ['CA', 'London', 'London'],
                   'correct': [['UK'], [0.4], ['London, Paris, 0.4']]


    id  question                 answer1    answer2   answer3   correct
0   1   first country visited?      UK       US        CA       [UK]
1   2   first city visited?         Paris   0.4       London    [0.4]
2   3   two cities we love?         CA     Paris      London    [London, Paris, 0.4]

I am creating a new column to check if values in correct column are found in answer1 or answer2 or answer3 columns.

cols = data.filter(like='answer').columns
data['correct_column'] = data[cols].apply(lambda s: ','.join((m:=s.isin(data.loc[s.name, 'correct']))[m].index), axis=1)


id  question                   answer1    answer2   answer3       correct                  correct_column
0   1   first country visited?        UK        US        CA        [UK]                     answer1
1   2   first city visited?           Paris     0.4       London    [0.4                     answer2
2   3   two cities we love?           CA        Paris     London    [London, Paris, 0.4]    

I get an empty value in the third row. I have been trying for hours without success on my original data! Is there any better approach to achieve this? considering different data types in my original df like floats, int & Str ..

CodePudding user response:

Here is a longer version:

cols = data.filter(like='answer').columns

def app(s):
    (m:=[s[col] in (data.loc[s.name, 'correct']) for col in cols])
    return ', '.join(cols[m])

data['correct_column'] = data[cols].apply(app, axis=1)

and shorter version that will accomplish the same thing:

data['correct_column'] = data[cols].apply(lambda s: ', '.join(cols[(m:=[s[col] in (data.loc[s.name, 'correct']) for col in cols])]) , axis=1)

which will produce:

0             answer1
1             answer2
2    answer2, answer3
Name: correct_column, dtype: object
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