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How to make a new class can support


Have been writing the management system, the need to deal with a database to read and write for a long time, before the use of all is the old-fashioned way, suddenly found common libraries such as sqlhelper recently, make several use, also very good,

But now I have a idea, these libraries are not need new can use, I want to change to need new, then the input parameters, so that I can define a number, a program can be convenient access to multiple databases,

The source code is as follows:

 using System; 
using System.Data;
Using System. The Configuration. Assemblies;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
Using System. The Data. The OleDb;

The namespace draw texturing machine process display system
///AccessHelper summary description

Public class AccessHelper
Protected the static OleDbConnection conn=new OleDbConnection ();
Protected the static OleDbCommand comm=new OleDbCommand ();

Public AccessHelper ()
//TODO: add a constructor logic here


///open the database

Private static void openConnection ()
If (conn. State==ConnectionState. Closed)
Conn. The Open ();
The catch (Exception e)
{throw new Exception (e.M essage); }


///close the database

Private static void closeConnection ()
Conn. The ConnectionString=$" Provider=Microsoft. ACE. The OLEDB. 12.0; The Data Source={AppDomain. CurrentDomain. BaseDirectory} \ \ {FileName} accdb; The Jet OLEDB: Database PassWord={"} ";
Comm. Connection=conn;
If (conn. State==ConnectionState. Open)
Conn. Close ();
Conn. The Dispose ();
Comm. The Dispose ();
///executing SQL statements

Public static void excuteSql (string SQLSTR)
OpenConnection ();
Comm.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;
Comm.Com mandText=SQLSTR;
Comm. ExecuteNonQuery ();
The catch (Exception e)
Throw new Exception (e.M essage);
The finally
{closeConnection (); }
///returns the specified SQL statements OleDbDataReader object, please pay attention to close the object when using,

Public static OleDbDataReader dataReader (string SQLSTR)
OleDbDataReader Dr=null;
OpenConnection ();
Comm.Com mandText=SQLSTR;
Comm.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;

Dr=comm. ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior. CloseConnection);
Dr. Close ();
CloseConnection ();
Catch {}
The return of Dr;
///returns the specified SQL statements OleDbDataReader object, please pay attention to when using closed

Public static void dataReader (string SQLSTR, ref OleDbDataReader Dr)
OpenConnection ();
Comm.Com mandText=SQLSTR;
Comm.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;
Dr=comm. ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior. CloseConnection);
If (Dr!=null & & ! Dr. IsClosed)
Dr. Close ();
The finally
CloseConnection ();
///returns the specified SQL statements dataset

Public static DataSet DataSet (string SQLSTR)
The DataSet ds=new DataSet ();
OleDbDataAdapter da=new OleDbDataAdapter ();
OpenConnection ();
Comm.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;
Comm.Com mandText=SQLSTR;
Da. SelectCommand=comm;
Da. The Fill (ds);

The catch (Exception e)
Throw new Exception (e.M essage);
The finally
CloseConnection ();
Return the ds;
///returns the specified SQL statements dataset

Public static void dataSet (string SQLSTR, ref the dataSet ds)
OleDbDataAdapter da=new OleDbDataAdapter ();
OpenConnection ();
Comm.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;
Comm.Com mandText=SQLSTR;
Da. SelectCommand=comm;
Da. The Fill (ds);
The catch (Exception e)
Throw new Exception (e.M essage);
The finally
CloseConnection ();
///returns the specified SQL statements datatable

Public static DataTable DataTable (string SQLSTR)
DataTable dt=new DataTable();
OleDbDataAdapter da=new OleDbDataAdapter ();
OpenConnection ();
Comm.Com mandType=CommandType. Text;
Comm.Com mandText=SQLSTR;
Da. SelectCommand=comm;
Da. The Fill (dt);
The catch (Exception e)
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