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BarChart X-Value does not correspond with Y-Value


I've got the following BarEntry List:

for (Map.Entry<Date, Float> keyVal : allIncTypesWithAmount.entrySet()) {
    long timeToDays = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(keyVal.getKey().getTime());
    float perDay = timeToDays/30;
    values.add(new BarEntry(perDay,keyVal.getValue()));

Which results in following values:

Tue Feb 01 01:00:00 GMT 01:00 2005 value 47.0
Mon Nov 01 01:00:00 GMT 01:00 2021 value 12.0
Mon Apr 01 02:00:00 GMT 02:00 2013 value 76.0
Tue Feb 01 01:00:00 GMT 01:00 2022 value 50.0

My XAxis ValueFormatter:

public class BarChartXAxisValueFormatter extends ValueFormatter 

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/yyyy", Locale.GERMANY);
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
    public String getFormattedValue(float value) {

        float timeToDays = value * 30;
        long emissionsMilliSince1970Time =  TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis((long) timeToDays) ;
        return sdf.format(getBeginOfMonth(new Date(emissionsMilliSince1970Time)));
    public static Date getBeginOfMonth(Date d ) {
        calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        return calendar.getTime();


The current chart looks like this:

current chart

That's not how I expected it to be.

I'm trying that my chart to look like this:

expected output

Basically, my aim is to ALIGN the X-Value towards the Y-Bar. Of course, if there are many X-Values it wont be possible, but since there are only 4 bars, I want that all 4 X-Value align with the Y-Bar.

Few things I tried:

  • xAxis.setGranularity(1f);
  • setting maxLabelCount

Is there a solution for this?

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