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How do I load a fragment from an activity and pull a variable into it?


I have a simple app that, as of right now, contains main_activity.kt and fragment_results.kt and their xml files. The premise of the app is that the user scans a barcode and then hits a button. A fragment comes up and displays all of the data tied to that barcode. Once I understand how to do this part, I will extend it so the user can add barcodes to the spreadsheet but that's down the road.

The problem I'm running into with Kotlin is that it looks like a lot of stuff is deprecated and while android studio is great at showing me the new ways to do things, a simple to follow tutorial is hard to find.


package com.example.barcode

import android.content.pm.PackageManager
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.core.app.ActivityCompat
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentTransaction
import com.budiyev.android.codescanner.AutoFocusMode
import com.budiyev.android.codescanner.CodeScanner
import com.budiyev.android.codescanner.DecodeCallback
import com.budiyev.android.codescanner.ErrorCallback
import com.budiyev.android.codescanner.ScanMode
import com.example.barcode.databinding.ActivityMainBinding

private const val CAMERA_REQUEST_CODE = 101

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
    private lateinit var codeScanner: CodeScanner

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)

    private fun codeScanner() {

        codeScanner = CodeScanner(this, binding.scannerView)

        codeScanner.apply {codeScanner
            camera = CodeScanner.CAMERA_BACK
            formats = CodeScanner.ALL_FORMATS

            autoFocusMode = AutoFocusMode.SAFE
            scanMode = ScanMode.SINGLE
            isAutoFocusEnabled = true
            isFlashEnabled = false

            decodeCallback = DecodeCallback {
                    binding.button.text = getString(R.string.searchButtonLabel, it.text)

            errorCallback = ErrorCallback {
                    Log.e("Main", "Camera Initilization failed ${it.message}")
        binding.scannerView.setOnClickListener {
            binding.button.text = getString(R.string.resetButtonLabel)

    override fun onResume() {

    override fun onPause() {

    private fun setupPermissions() {
        val permission = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA)
        if (permission != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    private fun makeRequest(){
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, arrayOf(android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA),

    override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(
        requestCode: Int,
        permissions: Array<out String>,
        grantResults: IntArray
    ) {
        when (requestCode) {
            CAMERA_REQUEST_CODE -> {
                if (grantResults.isEmpty() || grantResults[0] != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED){
                    Toast.makeText(this,"You need the camera for this app", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()



My resultsFragment.kt is a stock blank .kt. Haven't worked on that programming yet.

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