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Redim Preserve VBA Alternatives


I just read a comment on this question that states that Redim Preserve is expensive and should be avoided. I use Redim Preserve in many scenarios, let us say for example to save field names from a PT that meet some specific criteria to use them later on with an API for Access/Selenium/XlWings,etc. where I need to access the elements in the array at different times, thus not looping in the original sheet(s) where PT(s) are; I use them to save data that came outside Excel too. This is to save the time to redo verification/processes and everything that was considered by saving the array in the first place.
I have seen that a similar question was asked at VB.net where they suggest List(Of Variable) but I do not think this may be achieved within Excel. I Erase them once they are not longer needed too. In addition, where it is possible, I try to use dictionaries instead of arrays, but it may not be always the case where it is easier to go by index numbers and there is a need for array and not dictionaries. I was thinking that I may be able to create a sheet with the specified items instead of saving them to an array, but I do not see the benefit of doing so in terms of memory saving.
What would be the best alternative to Redim Preserve in VBA?

CodePudding user response:

The intent of Ben's comment is that you should avoid excessive use of Preserve.

Where Arrays are a good design choice, you can and should use them. This is especially true when extracting data from an Excel sheet.

So, how to avoid excessive use of Preserve?

The need to Redim Preserve implies you are collecting data into an array, usually in a loop. Redim without Preserve is pretty fast.

  1. If you have sufficient info, calculate the required array size and ReDim it as that size once
  2. If you don't have that info, Redim it to an oversize dimension. Redim Preserve to the actual size once, after the loop
  3. If you must Redim Preserve in the loop, do it infrequently in large chunks
  4. Beware of premature optimisation. If it works fast enough for your needs, maybe just leave it as is

CodePudding user response:

A collection is a good way to go but the default collection is a bit limited.

You may wish to use a wrapped collection which gives you more flexibility.

Class WCollection (but its easy to change the name to List if you prefer)

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "WCollection"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
'Rubberduck annotations
Option Explicit

'@ModuleDescription("A wrapper for the collection object to add flexibility")

Private Type State
    Coll                                        As Collection
End Type

Private s                                       As State

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set s.Coll = New Collection
End Sub

Public Function Deb() As WCollection
    With New WCollection
        Set Deb = .ReadyToUseInstance
    End With
End Function

Friend Function ReadyToUseInstance() As WCollection
    Set ReadyToUseInstance = Me
End Function

Public Function NewEnum() As IEnumVARIANT
    Set NewEnum = s.Coll.[_NewEnum]
End Function

Public Function Add(ParamArray ipItems() As Variant) As WCollection
    Dim myItem As Variant
    For Each myItem In ipItems
        s.Coll.Add myItem
        Set Add = Me
End Function

Public Function AddRange(ByVal ipIterable As Variant) As WCollection
    Dim myitem As Variant
    For Each myitem In ipIterable
        s.Coll.Add myitem
    Set AddRange = Me
End Function

Public Function AddString(ByVal ipString As String) As WCollection
    Dim myIndex As Long
    For myIndex = 1 To Len(ipString)
        s.Coll.Add VBA.Mid$(ipString, myIndex, 1)
End Function

Public Function Clone() As WCollection
    Set Clone = WCollection.Deb.AddRange(s.Coll)
End Function
Public Property Get Item(ByVal ipIndex As Long) As Variant
    If VBA.IsObject(s.Coll.Item(ipIndex)) Then
        Set Item = s.Coll.Item(ipIndex)
        Item = s.Coll.Item(ipIndex)
    End If
End Property

Public Property Let Item(ByVal ipIndex As Long, ByVal ipItem As Variant)
    s.Coll.Add ipItem, after:=ipIndex
    s.Coll.Remove ipIndex
End Property

Public Property Set Item(ByVal ipindex As Long, ByVal ipitem As Variant)
    s.Coll.Add ipitem, after:=ipindex
    s.Coll.Remove ipindex
End Property

Public Function HoldsItem(ByVal ipItem As Variant) As Boolean
    HoldsItem = True
    Dim myItem As Variant
    For Each myItem In s.Coll
        If myItem = ipItem Then Exit Function
    HoldsItem = False
End Function

Public Function Join(Optional ByVal ipSeparator As String) As String
    If TypeName(s.Coll.Item(1)) <> "String" Then
        Join = "Items are not string type"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim myStr As String
    Dim myItem As Variant
    For Each myItem In s.Coll
        If Len(myStr) = 0 Then
            myStr = myItem
            myStr = myStr & ipSeparator
        End If

End Function

Public Function Reverse() As WCollection
    Dim myW As WCollection
    Set myW = WCollection.Deb
    Dim myIndex As Long
    For myIndex = LastIndex To FirstIndex Step -1
        myW.Add s.Coll.Item(myIndex)
    Set Reverse = myW
End Function

Public Function HasItems() As Boolean
    HasItems = s.Coll.Count > 0
End Function

Public Function HasNoItems() As Boolean
    HasNoItems = Not HasItems
End Function

Public Function Indexof(ByVal ipItem As Variant, Optional ipIndex As Long = -1) As Long
    Dim myIndex As Long
    For myIndex = IIf(ipIndex = -1, 1, ipIndex) To s.Coll.Count
        If ipItem = s.Coll.Item(myIndex) Then
            Indexof = myIndex
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Public Function LastIndexof(ByVal ipItem As Variant, Optional ipIndex As Long = -1) As Long
    Dim myIndex As Long
    For myIndex = LastIndex To IIf(ipIndex = -1, 1, ipIndex) Step -1
        If ipItem = s.Coll.Item(myIndex) Then
            LastIndexof = myIndex
            Exit Function
        End If
    LastIndexof = -1
End Function

Public Function LacksItem(ByVal ipItem As Variant) As Boolean
    LacksItem = Not HoldsItem(ipItem)
End Function

Public Function Insert(ByVal ipIndex As Long, ByVal ipItem As Variant) As WCollection
    s.Coll.Add ipItem, before:=ipIndex
    Set Insert = Me
End Function

Public Function Remove(ByVal ipIndex As Long) As WCollection
    s.Coll.Remove ipIndex
    Set Remove = Me
End Function

Public Function FirstIndex() As Long
    FirstIndex = 1
End Function

Public Function LastIndex() As Long
    LastIndex = s.Coll.Count
End Function

Public Function RemoveAll() As WCollection
    Dim myIndex As Long
    For myIndex = s.Coll.Count To 1 Step -1
        Remove myIndex
    Set RemoveAll = Me
End Function

Public Property Get Count() As Long
    Count = s.Coll.Count
End Property

Public Function ToArray() As Variant
    Dim myarray As Variant
    ReDim myarray(0 To s.Coll.Count - 1)
    Dim myItem As Variant
    Dim myIndex As Long
    myIndex = 0
    For Each myItem In s.Coll
        If VBA.IsObject(myItem) Then
            Set myarray(myIndex) = myItem
            myarray(myIndex) = myItem
        End If
        myIndex = myIndex   1
    ToArray = myarray
End Function

Public Function RemoveFirstOf(ByVal ipItem As Variant) As WCollection
    Set RemoveFirstOf = Remove(Indexof(ipItem))
    Set RemoveFirstOf = Me
End Function

Public Function RemoveLastOf(ByVal ipItem As Variant) As WCollection
    Set RemoveLastOf = Remove(LastIndexof(ipItem))
    Set RemoveLastOf = Me
End Function

Public Function RemoveAnyOf(ByVal ipItem As Variant) As WCollection
    Dim myIndex As Long
    For myIndex = LastIndex To FirstIndex Step -1
        If s.Coll.Item(myIndex) = ipItem Then Remove myIndex
    Set RemoveAnyOf = Me
End Function

Public Function First() As Variant
    If VBA.IsObject(s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)) Then
        Set First = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
        First = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
    End If
End Function

Public Function Last() As Variant
    If VBA.IsObject(s.Coll.Item(LastIndex)) Then
        Set Last = s.Coll.Item(LastIndex)
        Last = s.Coll.Item(LastIndex)
    End If
End Function

Public Function Enqueue(ByVal ipItem As Variant) As WCollection
    Add ipItem
    Set Enqueue = Me
End Function

Public Function Dequeue() As Variant
    If VBA.IsObject(s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)) Then
        Set Dequeue = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
        Dequeue = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
    End If
    Remove 0
End Function

Public Function Push(ByVal ipitem As Variant) As WCollection
    Add ipitem
    Set Push = Me
End Function

Public Function Pop(ByVal ipitem As Variant) As Variant
    If VBA.IsObject(s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)) Then
        Set Pop = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
        Pop = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
    End If
    Remove s.Coll.Count
End Function

Public Function Peek(ByVal ipIndex As Long) As Variant
    If VBA.IsObject(s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)) Then
        Set Peek = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
        Peek = s.Coll.Item(FirstIndex)
    End If
End Function

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