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Your brother who come in refers to a way for me and my future direction


I am early asp origins and artists (early do website from basic it is I that case) never are classics, is that the belt with the company colleagues, with knowledge is not very system,

I met this problem:

Asp.net is a five or six years ago company known as the introduction to the whole stack and colleagues took me, later all by self-study;

He told me that create web sites using vs the simplest and the most flexible, most easy entry;

So I all site project is a web site over the years, the webform;
The difference in my eyes is as follows:
Web site: aspx and cs two files
Webform application: aspx, cs, designer three files

Don't know if deeper into what is the difference between the two, since my first day learning..net, he spent a day to show me the various controls, and then tell me don't use these chicken ribs controls, heart know how this line;

Later in the practical work, I'll never used server controls (all native HTML tags), aspx page little runat="server" and so on;

Form is submitted, the business logic (page, validation) all ajax
In fact aspx page in my eyes is redundant, we do website, web site to the customer rendered HTML basic background program is generated; Backstage function (all kinds of add and delete) can ajax basic ajax;

I usually project general directory structure is as follows:

Index. HTM -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- page file (dynamic)

[content] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - a variety of programs, content page (dynamic)
N... HTM

[app_code] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the global entity class library

[ajax] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the global ajax libraries
XXX. Aspx
XXX. Aspx
XXX. Aspx

[master] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
the background managementThe add. Aspx -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- corresponding ajax completed
List. Aspx -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- corresponding ajax completed

I was his colleague, his master said to me, don't worry about site pattern is changing, HTML is Internet based rendering, it will not change, no matter what language, use the ideas above to do project, clear logic will never be eliminated;

Over the years with this idea, I quickly learned to PHP, JSP;
Even several languages do many projects the front part (HTML, CSS, js) is common, I put an ajax application using PHP or Java can be rewritten (commonly used class library, method, various languages to rewrite optimization had had many times, make fine);

Soon I narrow thought, these languages in my eyes is the syntax is slightly different, practical work are the same in my hands, a new web site project is coming, I even began to lottery, decided to use what language to develop, (dissipate am I at?

Until recently, don't worry, and want to learn something, began to read a book on the MVC, I found that previous experience is ineffective,

1, feel there is no I now use the MVC and simple, seems to be more trouble,

2, now I don't know if I work method is everybody says webform, in fact I see you in the BBS discussion webform also very troublesome, as I now of the method is simple,

If the advantages of the MVC officially: business layer, the structure is clear, decoupling;
I think for so many years I do project (according to my above structure) is very clear,

I want to know from regular trained programmers perspective, my teacher taught me these is straight or crooked road, how should I correct or optimize their learning?

Troublesome everybody trained other disciples to give some Suggestions and views... Thank humbly in...

CodePudding user response:

Especially I found to MVC website has no real address, tutorial on said it is the MVC routing address

Our general project each front page has the actual page address, web sites are the same, for example:

This url look more pleasing to the eye, seo optimization or

MVC zha so that no extension of the url is not pleasing to the eye, and each big web site seems to use less,

CodePudding user response:

You said that is not called the MVC, it is called asp.net MVC, MVC is one of the world's most simple, one of the most basic UI mode, both asp.net webform and asp.net MVC, support routing, not only can use the asp.net MVC routing, routing is a performance cost to at the same time to get the url format just look shorter (put the url parameter in the path of a fixed position, and does not support the url parameters of flexible format), and no special features,

So once upon a time, after all the strangeness asp.net concept,

On the issue of the seo, in fact, http://www.xxx.ccom/content/20181212.htm, http://www.xxx.ccom/content/chart.aspx? Id=20181212, http://www.xxx.ccom/content/chart? Id=20181212, http://www.xxx.ccom/content/chart/20181212 will be as a full page included, what some people say that the search engine "is like" write parameters. HTML front this is nonsense, search engine if you don't know the different parameters correspond to different pages, so it is also a search engine? So "seo optimization or" is meaningless, is a purely personal hobby,

CodePudding user response:

MVC is a design pattern, MVC is used to develop the business system is in the majority

CodePudding user response:

About the difference between asp.net and asp.net applications, it is 10 years ago two forms of asp.net, but the difference is not very big,

Asp.net support in a web application USES a variety of languages (for example, using three languages) at the same time, each page markup code behind files separate compilation for independent DLL, so web page can use different languages, and uploaded to the production server deployment website generated after, tend to be thousands of custom file changes a few code files, due to the small each file (for example, only 1, 2 K bytes), so suitable for breakpoint continuingly, and support to modify the function of the individual source code is compiled automatically, without having to compile only need to upload the individual source code files,

While asp.net applications, like traditional desktop applications to compile the custom code of your web site for a huge DLL file (for example, often have 7 m bytes), also want to modify a little code to upload the file, upload again and again in early often can cause failure, constantly retransmission problem from the very beginning, but the benefits are website is packaged as a DLL, in reference to load, there will be some convenient management, etc. That does not support individual source code files changed after compiled automatically generating function, must manually compile,

But the difference between basic and personal hobby, do not have too big difference,

But this is an early asp.net, told you behind asp.net MVC actually has little to do,

CodePudding user response:

Roughly behind the description of the watch from you, what is your general involved in CMS system development, also is to use website builder development, and then used to "do the site", if it is doing web application development is certainly more than you know technology to more than 10 times, applications need to all sorts of state and the dynamic interactions, and not simply input conditions and then refresh the query, the application is all similar games in the window like thousands of, tens of thousands of objects of an independent state for a long period of time,

Over and over local page refresh and you of that kind of form is actually the MVC programming mode, it's just you don't have to asp.net MVC,

CodePudding user response:

In fact, "as a web of" suitable for simple MVC concepts, like if you use the front concept to design the website in a few years earlier, don't pull what, such as asp.net or PHP, but you didn't understand what is in your front end technology, I don't know relative to our front-end developer, your technology is to meet 40%, or just meet 15% or even 5%, I guess take intermediate point, is 15%, which means you front-end technology and experience is roughly equivalent to non-professional front-end development level, but because you haven't studied deeply from the beginning of asp.net webform controls development, you are most of the time and effort in front at the bottom of the js tools and plugins, equivalent to say you are a seasoned foxconn old factory workers, although not studied mechanical control and automation programming,

What simply MVC, especially with ajax, can't really explain the connotation of the front frame, I was just on the js rich client front-end programming with web server programming background difference, as an important special, will come from this Angle, it is as if said the car with one difference is that have wings of the aircraft, but is not to say that anyone who tied to things can fly wings, front-end applications just like the traditional c/s desktop applications, it is a separate large program running on the browser, with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of internal state, not with an ajax communication statement can to illustrate its internal structure,

CodePudding user response:

From the Angle of the development of enterprise application, we attaches great importance to the development of large enterprise desktop applications, or is the further development of large webform server user controls programmer, but will only do web programmer, no matter on technical study habits, or a business domain knowledge, software engineering experience on dealing with complex system, all bad years experience,

As the technology asp.net in recent 15 years is very chaotic, out no fewer than 8 or 9 new "technology" for the whole replacement to asp.net to get more and more disorderly itself, more and more simple useless, so in terms of developing large enterprise application system, asp.net in recent 10 years is actually nothing special targeted, so what? In addition to the past has been eliminated the server-side control technology, it is has nothing to do with asp.net in fact pure front-end component development technology, and although you have been thrown in front, but does not seem to have the front frame technology system of knowledge,

Is this your than those who only by asp.net MVC fool but haven't studied the front-end programmers advantages, but also vulnerable places you than professional front-end developer (since you have no formal studied front-end framework), it is "the direction of the future",

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor sp1234_maJia response:
from the Angle of the development of enterprise application, we attaches great importance to the development of large enterprise desktop applications, or is the further development of large webform server user controls programmer, but only...

Thanks for brother reply, word for word, I carefully read your proposal, in addition to thank you or thanks;

I have to understand what you said the relationship between the webform MVC web site; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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