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How to downward a svg element?


I'm working on a project and currently I meet a problem.

Here is my markup:

<a href="#">Here is a link icon.
    <svg width='14' height='14' viewBox='0 0 14 14' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>
        <path d='M12.2068 1.79276C10.2975 -0.116585 7.2018 -0.116585 5.29246 1.79276L4.64288 2.44234C4.25236 2.83286 4.25236 3.46603 4.64288 3.85655C5.03341 4.24707 5.66657 4.24707 6.0571 3.85655L6.70667 3.20698C7.83497 2.07868 9.6643 2.07868 10.7926 3.20698C11.9209 4.33528 11.9209 6.16461 10.7926 7.29291L10.1425 7.94304C9.75195 8.33357 9.75194 8.96673 10.1425 9.35726C10.533 9.74778 11.1662 9.74778 11.5567 9.35726L12.2068 8.70712C14.1162 6.79778 14.1162 3.70211 12.2068 1.79276Z' fill='#076aff'/>
        <path d='M3.85726 6.05638C4.24779 5.66586 4.24779 5.03269 3.85726 4.64217C3.46674 4.25165 2.83357 4.25165 2.44305 4.64217L1.79236 5.29286C-0.116985 7.2022 -0.116985 10.2979 1.79236 12.2072C3.70171 14.1166 6.79738 14.1166 8.70672 12.2072L9.35713 11.5568C9.74765 11.1663 9.74765 10.5331 9.35713 10.1426C8.9666 9.75207 8.33344 9.75207 7.94291 10.1426L7.29251 10.793C6.16421 11.9213 4.33488 11.9213 3.20658 10.793C2.07828 9.6647 2.07828 7.83537 3.20658 6.70707L3.85726 6.05638Z' fill='#076aff'/>
        <path d='M8.20674 7.2071C8.59727 6.81658 8.59727 6.18341 8.20674 5.79289C7.81622 5.40237 7.18305 5.40237 6.79253 5.79289L5.73187 6.85355C5.34134 7.24408 5.34134 7.87724 5.73187 8.26776C6.12239 8.65829 6.75556 8.65829 7.14608 8.26776L8.20674 7.2071Z' fill='#076aff'/>   

The problem is the svg icon is a little bit higher than I expected, so I want to downward the svg downward 2 to 3 px without changing its size but change the svg`s position. How could I achieve it?

CodePudding user response:

Try using flex. In this case you can omit using position: absolute; but can align your elements in this block.

.custom-link {
  display: inline-flex;
  align-items: center; /* align content vertically */
  column-gap: 0.25rem; /* add gap between content items */
<p>Before using flex:</p>
<a href="#">Here is a link icon.
  <svg width='14' height='14' viewBox='0 0 14 14' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>
    <path d='M12.2068 1.79276C10.2975 -0.116585 7.2018 -0.116585 5.29246 1.79276L4.64288 2.44234C4.25236 2.83286 4.25236 3.46603 4.64288 3.85655C5.03341 4.24707 5.66657 4.24707 6.0571 3.85655L6.70667 3.20698C7.83497 2.07868 9.6643 2.07868 10.7926 3.20698C11.9209 4.33528 11.9209 6.16461 10.7926 7.29291L10.1425 7.94304C9.75195 8.33357 9.75194 8.96673 10.1425 9.35726C10.533 9.74778 11.1662 9.74778 11.5567 9.35726L12.2068 8.70712C14.1162 6.79778 14.1162 3.70211 12.2068 1.79276Z' fill='#076aff'/>
    <path d='M3.85726 6.05638C4.24779 5.66586 4.24779 5.03269 3.85726 4.64217C3.46674 4.25165 2.83357 4.25165 2.44305 4.64217L1.79236 5.29286C-0.116985 7.2022 -0.116985 10.2979 1.79236 12.2072C3.70171 14.1166 6.79738 14.1166 8.70672 12.2072L9.35713 11.5568C9.74765 11.1663 9.74765 10.5331 9.35713 10.1426C8.9666 9.75207 8.33344 9.75207 7.94291 10.1426L7.29251 10.793C6.16421 11.9213 4.33488 11.9213 3.20658 10.793C2.07828 9.6647 2.07828 7.83537 3.20658 6.70707L3.85726 6.05638Z' fill='#076aff'/>
    <path d='M8.20674 7.2071C8.59727 6.81658 8.59727 6.18341 8.20674 5.79289C7.81622 5.40237 7.18305 5.40237 6.79253 5.79289L5.73187 6.85355C5.34134 7.24408 5.34134 7.87724 5.73187 8.26776C6.12239 8.65829 6.75556 8.65829 7.14608 8.26776L8.20674 7.2071Z' fill='#076aff'/>   

<p>With using flex:</p>
<a  href="#">Here is a link icon.
  <svg width='14' height='14' viewBox='0 0 14 14' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'>
    <path d='M12.2068 1.79276C10.2975 -0.116585 7.2018 -0.116585 5.29246 1.79276L4.64288 2.44234C4.25236 2.83286 4.25236 3.46603 4.64288 3.85655C5.03341 4.24707 5.66657 4.24707 6.0571 3.85655L6.70667 3.20698C7.83497 2.07868 9.6643 2.07868 10.7926 3.20698C11.9209 4.33528 11.9209 6.16461 10.7926 7.29291L10.1425 7.94304C9.75195 8.33357 9.75194 8.96673 10.1425 9.35726C10.533 9.74778 11.1662 9.74778 11.5567 9.35726L12.2068 8.70712C14.1162 6.79778 14.1162 3.70211 12.2068 1.79276Z' fill='#076aff'/>
    <path d='M3.85726 6.05638C4.24779 5.66586 4.24779 5.03269 3.85726 4.64217C3.46674 4.25165 2.83357 4.25165 2.44305 4.64217L1.79236 5.29286C-0.116985 7.2022 -0.116985 10.2979 1.79236 12.2072C3.70171 14.1166 6.79738 14.1166 8.70672 12.2072L9.35713 11.5568C9.74765 11.1663 9.74765 10.5331 9.35713 10.1426C8.9666 9.75207 8.33344 9.75207 7.94291 10.1426L7.29251 10.793C6.16421 11.9213 4.33488 11.9213 3.20658 10.793C2.07828 9.6647 2.07828 7.83537 3.20658 6.70707L3.85726 6.05638Z' fill='#076aff'/>
    <path d='M8.20674 7.2071C8.59727 6.81658 8.59727 6.18341 8.20674 5.79289C7.81622 5.40237 7.18305 5.40237 6.79253 5.79289L5.73187 6.85355C5.34134 7.24408 5.34134 7.87724 5.73187 8.26776C6.12239 8.65829 6.75556 8.65829 7.14608 8.26776L8.20674 7.2071Z' fill='#076aff'/>   

CodePudding user response:

use the svg code for downward arrow , if you want to color change svg code path , using atter (fill) and (width).

<div >
  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="#000" width="30" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M374.6 310.6l-160 160C208.4 476.9 200.2 480 192 480s-16.38-3.125-22.62-9.375l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.75 0-45.25s32.75-12.5 45.25 0L160 370.8V64c0-17.69 14.33-31.1 31.1-31.1S224 46.31 224 64v306.8l105.4-105.4c12.5-12.5 32.75-12.5 45.25 0S387.1 298.1 374.6 310.6z"/></svg>

other arrow down ::

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="#000" width="25" viewBox="0 0 384 512"><path d="M192 384c-8.188 0-16.38-3.125-22.62-9.375l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-12.5-32.75 0-45.25s32.75-12.5 45.25 0L192 306.8l137.4-137.4c12.5-12.5 32.75-12.5 45.25 0s12.5 32.75 0 45.25l-160 160C208.4 380.9 200.2 384 192 384z"/></svg>
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