Home > Net >  ENC1003 and CS0162 errors in c #
ENC1003 and CS0162 errors in c #


Conn=baseclass. DBConn. Cycon ();
Conn. The Open ();
SqlCommand CMD=new SqlCommand (" delete from tb_guestfood where zhuotai='" + rnames + "' ", conn);
CMD. ExecuteNonQuery ();
CMD=new SqlCommand (" update tb_room set roomzt='inactive', num=0, waite='where roomname=' "+ rnames +" '", conn);
CMD. ExecuteNonQuery ();
Conn. Close ();
Enclosing the Close ();

Severity code shows the project file line prohibits display status
Warning ENC1003 in of runtime, the application will not be used in the project "foot" the changes in foot C: \ Users \ small white PC \ Desktop \ \ FRMJZ catering management system cs 119 activity

Severity code shows the project file line prohibits display status
Warning CS0162 cannot access code foot was detected in C: \ Users \ small white PC \ Desktop \ \ FRMJZ catering management system cs 120 activity
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