I am curious as to how to initialize a PROPVARIANT structure of VT_VARIANT | VT_VECTOR type. An existing model I am aware of is the HeadingPairs
property of the DocumentSummaryInformation property set:
The HeadingPairs property is stored as a vector of variants, in repeating pairs of VT_LPSTR (or VT_LPWSTR) and VT_I4 values.
I am aware of the various Init functions, such as the InitPropVariantFromStringAsVector
function to create a VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR propvariant, but, as far as I know, there is no function to initialize a PROPVARIANT structure of VT_VARIANT | VT_VECTOR type.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.
CodePudding user response:
You are correct that there is no ready-made Win32 function to initialize a PROPVARIANT
with a vector of PROPVARIANT
values. You are just going to have to initialize it manually, ie by allocating an array of PROPVARIANT
s and then assigning a pointer to that array to the PROPVARIANT::capropvar.pElems
field, and the array's length to the PROPVARIANT::capropvar.cElems
field, eg:
int count = ...;
PROPVARIANT *arr = (PROPVARIANT*) CoTaskMemAlloc(count * sizeof(PROPVARIANT));
// initialize array values as needed...
pv.capropvar.pElems = arr;
pv.capropvar.cElems = count;
// use pv as needed...
CodePudding user response:
Here's a prototype based on Remy's solution written in AutoHotkey:
VariantVector := [{vt:0x001F, val:"hello world"}, {vt:0x0003, val:3}]
VarSetCapacity(PropVariant, 8 2 * A_PtrSize, 0)
InitPropVariatFromVariantAsVector(PropVariant, VariantVector)
; Do something here...
InitPropVariatFromVariantAsVector(ByRef PropVariant, VariantVector) {
static VT_VARIANT := 0x000C
static VT_VECTOR := 0x1000
static Size := 8 2 * A_PtrSize
NumPut(VT_VARIANT | VT_VECTOR, PropVariant, 0, "UShort")
NumPut(VariantVector.Count(), PropVariant, 8, "UInt")
ptr := DllCall("Ole32\CoTaskMemAlloc", "UPtr", Size * VariantVector.Count(), "Ptr")
NumPut(ptr, PropVariant, 8 A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
for Each, Variant in VariantVector {
Offset := Size * (Each - 1)
NumPut(Variant.vt, ptr 0, Offset, "UShort")
Switch Variant.vt
Case 0x0003: NumPut(Variant.val, ptr 0, Offset 8, "Int") ; VT_I4
Case 0x001E: DllCall("Shlwapi\SHStrDup", "AStr", Variant.val, "Ptr", ptr Offset 8, "Int") ; VT_LPSTR
Case 0x001F: DllCall("Shlwapi\SHStrDup", "WStr", Variant.val, "Ptr", ptr Offset 8, "Int") ; VT_LPWSTR
Default: throw Exception(A_ThisFunc ": Unsupported Variant Type.", -1, Format("0x{:04X}", Variant.vt))
PropVariantClear(ByRef PropVariant) {
return DllCall("Ole32\PropVariantClear", "Ptr", &PropVariant, "Int")