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Spring boot rest service duplicated response body


I'm using Spring Boot framework and my response returns duplicated with reversed backward. I'm asking for advices, how can i solve this situation?

Controller End Point

public PPreviewW getPDetailsPreviewW(@PathVariable String W) {

   DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
   LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
   String nullCheckBill = "bos";
   PPreviewW response = new PromoPreviewWGsm();

   PPreviewInfo pPreviewInfo = listRepository.findPByW(W);
   log.info(dtf.format(now)   "|getPDetailsPreviewW|"   W  "|için istek atıldı.");


   if (pPreviewInfo.W!= "bos") {
       nullCheckBill = promoPreviewInfo.W;

   if (nullCheckBill == "bos") {
   } else {
   return response;

I have @RestController annotation at top of my Controller class.

PPreviewW response class

public class PPreviewW implements Serializable {

    public String DisplayId;
    public String AccountCode;

I'm using lombok getters and setters

Repository Class

public PPreviewInfo findPByW(String W) {
    PPreviewInfo list = jdbcTemplate
            .queryForObject(QueryConstants.GET_P_PREVIEW_INFOW, new Object[]{W}, new PPreviewInfoMapper());

    return list;

@Repository and @Autowired annotations at top of Repository class. and QueryContants includes my sql which returns correct size for example like XXXX and YYYY PPreviewInfo Class

public class PPreviewInfo {

    public String CUSTOMER_ID;
    public String BILLING_ACCOUNT_CODE;

PPreviewInfoMapper Class

public class PPreviewInfoMapper implements RowMapper<PPreviewInfo> {
    public PPreviewInfo mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {

        PPreviewInfo pbn = new PPreviewInfo();

        return pbn;



CodePudding user response:

The visibility of the attributes might be causing the issue, you can see if changing them to private might help in resolution:

public class PPreviewW implements Serializable {

    private String DisplayId;
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