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Hindi words length


I am trying to find out the length of Hindi words in Python, like 'प्रवीण' has length of 3 as per my knowledge.

w1 = 'प्रवीण'

I tried this code but it didn't work.

CodePudding user response:

In the Hindi language, each character need not be of length one as is in English. For example, वी is not one character but rather two characters combined into one:

So in your case, the word प्रवीण is not of length 3 but rather 6.

w1 = "प्रवीण"
for w in w1:

And the output would be


CodePudding user response:

As @betelgeuse has said, Hindi does not function the way you think it does. Here's some pseudocode (working) to do what you expect though:

w1 = 'प्रवीण'

def hindi_len(word):
    hindi_letts = 'कखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़यरलळवहशषसऱऴअआइईउऊऋॠऌॡएऐओऔॐऍऑऎऒ'
    # List of hindi letters that aren't halves or mantras
    count = 0
    for i in word:
        if i in hindi_letts:
            count  = 1 if word[word.index(i) - 1] != '्' else 0 # Make sure it's not a half-letter
    return count


This outputs 3. It's up to you to customize it as you'd like, though.

Edit: Make sure you use python 3.x or prefix Hindi strings with u in python 2.x, I've seen some language errors with python 2.x non-unicode encoding somewhere before...

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