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Optimise code for assigning an identifier based on a string comparison function


Let it be the following dataframe, where we are only interested in the column 'number'. We will only work with the column 'number', the rest can be left out.

| others | color | number |
| ------ | ----- | ------ |
|  one   | green |  12A3B |
| other  |  red  |  23*4C |
|  one   |  red  |  12**B |
|  one   | green |  52ATC |
| other  |  blue |  unkno |
| other  |  blue |  231*C |
|  one   |  red  |  2398T |

I have implemented the following two functions to solve the problem I want to solve.

The first one, returns True if the strings are the same except for the '*' character.

def matching(row, sub_row):
    string = row['number']
    sub_string = sub_row['number']
    flag = True
    # In case they coincide in length
    if len(string) == len(sub_string):
        # If a character does not match sequentially, we exit the loop.
        while i < len(string) and flag==True:
            if string[i] != '*' and sub_string[i] != '*':
                if string[i] != sub_string[i]:
                    flag = False
            i =1
    # If they do not match in length 
        flag = False
    return flag

My goal is to get the following dataframe from the original. Making use of the matching function implemented above.

| others | color | number | id_number |
| ------ | ----- | ------ | --------- |
|  one   | green |  12A3B |     0     |
| other  |  red  |  23*4C |     1     |
|  one   |  red  |  12**B |     0     |
|  one   | green |  52ATC |     2     |
| other  |  blue |  unkno |   unkno   |
| other  |  blue |  231*C |     1     |
|  one   |  red  |  2398T |     3     |

For this purpose, I have implemented the following function, which works correctly.

def create_id_number(df):
    df['id_number'] = '-1'
    for i in range(len(df)):
        if df.loc[i, 'id_number'] == '-1':
            if df.loc[i, 'number'] == 'unkno':
                df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = 'unkno'
               df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident
               for j in range(i 1, len(df)):
                   if matching(df.loc[i], df.loc[j]) == True:
                       df.loc[j, 'id_number'] = ident
               ident =1
    return df

The implemented functions work. However, when I use a larger dataset (> 50000 rows) it takes a long time to execute. I would like to know if there is a way to improve this code by using some function from an already implemented python library or a more optimal way.

Thanks for your attention.

CodePudding user response:

It feels like there's a clever algorithm for matching the strings, but I can't immediately bring it to mind; let's speed up the rest first, though

One thing is that 95% of the cases are a straight match; those can use a dict lookup, which will be very fast. We only need to do the approximate matching when there's a * in the number

def matching(string1, string2):
    if len(string1) != len(string2):
        return False
    for ch1, ch2 in zip(string1, string2):
        if '*' != ch1 != ch2 != '*':
            return False
    return True

def create_id_number(df):
    ident_map = {
        'unkno': 'unkno',  # special case, map 'unkno' to 'unkno'
    for i in range(len(df)):
        number = df.loc[i, 'number']
        if number in ident_map:
            # already seen (or the special case) - look it up
            df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident_map[number]
        elif '*' not in number:
            # not yet seen, no '*' - assign a new ident
            df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident_map[number] = ident
            ident  = 1
            for prev_number, prev_ident in ident_map.values():
               if matching(number, n):
                   df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = i
                # Has '*' but doesn't match anything - assign new ident
                # Note: a subsequent non-* number which matches this will
                # be given a different ident
                df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident_map[number] = ident
                ident  = 1
    return df

The main caveat here is that a sequence like 12**B then 12Z9B then 12A3B will be assigned three different idents, not two. To fix that, we'd have to make two passes, like this:

def create_id_number(df):
    ident_map = {
        'unkno': 'unkno',  # special case, map 'unkno' to 'unkno'
    # First pass - assign ident to each non-* number
    for i in range(len(df)):
        number = df.loc[i, 'number']
        if '*' not in number not in ident_map:
            # not yet seen, no '*' - assign a new ident
            ident_map[number] = ident
            ident  = 1

    # Second pass - fill in the id_number column
    for i in range(len(df)):
        number = df.loc[i, 'number']
        if number in ident_map:
            # literal number - look it up
            df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident_map[number]
            # number with * - search for it
            for prev_number, prev_ident in ident_map.values():
               if matching(number, n):
                   df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident_map[number]
= i
                # Has '*' but doesn't match anything - assign new ident

                df.loc[i, 'id_number'] = ident_map[number] = ident
                ident  = 1
    return df

This will assign two idents to a sequence like 12**B then 12Z9B then 12A3B, and one ident to a sequence like 12*9B then 12Z*B.

One note: in Python, we can do three-way comparisons like 1 < x < 3; I use that twice in this code:

  • '*' != ch1 != ch2 != '*' to mean '*' != ch1 and ch1 != ch2 and ch2 != '*'
  • '*' not in number not in ident_map to mean '*' not in number and number not in ident_map

I'd have to measure to see if that's actually faster or if it just feels like it should be, but is the same speed...

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