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Serial communication about VB. Net, small white for help


Every time I send a command to the device, the device returns a reading, I put this code in a timer to perform repeatedly, each time before sending commands and accept after reading, emptying the input and output buffer,
Everything is all right at first, but after a period of time, will not be able to accept to the readings, but after an hour or two to restart the program is normal again, excuse me which encountered a similar situation, what is the problem (software or hardware), or special set some parameters to initialize serial port?

CodePudding user response:

The readings in the method DataReceived events

CodePudding user response:

Suggest you open a multi-threaded:
Dim SerialComm=New Threading. Thread (New Threading. ThreadStart (AddressOf Sp_Receiving))
SerialComm. Start () 'open thread

Private Sub Sp_Receiving ()
Dim strIncoming As String
If SerialPort1. BytesToRead & gt; 0 Then
StrIncoming=SerialPort1. ReadExisting. ToString 'data in a read buffer
SerialPort1. DiscardInBuffer ()

'strIncoming=SerialPort1. ReadLine. ToString
'SerialPort1. DiscardInBuffer ()

'ListBox1. Items. The Add (Microsoft) VisualBasic) Left (strIncoming, InStr (strIncoming vbCr) - 1))' to a carriage return position number - 1
'the ListBox1. Items. The Add (Mid (strIncoming, 1, Len (strIncoming) - 1))' length - 1
ListBox1. Items. The Add (strIncoming)

ListBox1. SelectedIndex=ListBox1. Items. The Count - 1
If ListBox1. Items. Count & gt; Then 1000
Me. The ListBox1. Items. The Clear ()
End the If

End the If
Catch the ex As Exception
MessageBox. Show (ex. Message)
End the Try
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Not sure where is the position of the upper or lower machine, can get a mature software to simulate serial communication, your timing operation, to determine what the problem, then find the solution,

CodePudding user response:

Just like luo
 Private WithEvents mPort As SerialPort 
The Event RequestData ()
The Event Ready ()
The Event Interrupt ()
The Event RerequestData ()

Sub New (PortName As String, BaudRate As Integer)
MPort=New SerialPort (PortName BaudRate)
MPort. The Open ()
Catch the ex As Exception
MsgBox (ex. ToString)
End the Try
End Sub

Private Sub mPort_DataReceived (sender As Object, e As SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles mPort. Method DataReceived
Dim inData As String=CType (sender, SerialPort) ReadLine. TrimEnd ({CChar (vbCr), CChar (vbLf)})
If the inData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(r_RequestData) Then
RaiseEvent RequestData ()
ElseIf inData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(r_Ready) Then
RaiseEvent Ready ()
ElseIf inData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(r_Interrupt) Then
RaiseEvent Interrupt ()
Then ElseIf inData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/r_RerequestData
RaiseEvent RerequestData ()
ElseIf inData & lt;> String. The Empty Then
The Debug. Print (" unknown request received lower machine, [" & amp; inData & amp; "] ")
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub mPort_Disposed (sender As Object, As EventArgs e) Handles mPort. Disposed
If mPort IsNot Nothing AndAlso mPort. IsOpen Then
Clear ()
MPort. Close ()
End the If
Catch the ex As Exception
End the Try
End Sub

Protected Friend Sub the Clear ()
MPort. BaseStream. Flush ()
Catch the ex As Exception
End the Try
End Sub
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