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In R, how to trace/log commands before executing them


With bash, we can use set -x to print to the terminal all executed commands. Is there a way to do that with an R script?

CodePudding user response:

I don't think Rscript by itself is going to do what you want, but there is a way. Let me walk you through finding that way.

I'll start with a naive script in foo.R:

1 1

How can we call Rscript?

$ Rscript --help
Usage: /path/to/Rscript [--options] [-e expr [-e expr2 ...] | file] [args]

--options accepted are
  --help              Print usage and exit
  --version           Print version and exit
  --verbose           Print information on progress
                      Where 'list' is a comma-separated set
                        of package names, or 'NULL'

Noticing the --verbose, I try:

$ Rscript --verbose foo.R
  '/usr/lib/R/bin/R --no-echo --no-restore --file=foo.R'

[1] 2
[1] 6

Not yet, but ... --no-echo seems interesting. Let me mimic those arguments and use R directly:

$ R --no-restore --file=foo.R

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Type 'q()' to quit R.

> 1 1
[1] 2
> 2*3
[1] 6

After reading the output from R --help, we can silence some of that by adding --quiet:

$ R --quiet --no-restore --file=foo.R
> 1 1
[1] 2
> 2*3
[1] 6

CodePudding user response:

We could use loadhistory()

"There are several history mechanisms available for the different R consoles, which work in similar but not identical ways. Other uses of R, in particular embedded uses, may have no history. This works under the readline and GNOME and MacOS X consoles, but not otherwise (for example, in batch use or in an embedded application)."

See here: https://astrostatistics.psu.edu/su07/R/html/utils/html/savehistory.html

loadhistory(file = ".Rhistory")
savehistory(file = ".Rhistory")

history(max.show = 25, reverse = FALSE, pattern, ...)

timestamp(stamp = date(),
          prefix = "##------ ", suffix = " ------##",
          quiet = FALSE)
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