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Generate table only when updating numericInput in a shiny app


Can you help me with the following problem: I made an app that uses Weighted Sum Method (WSM) method in a given database. I can generate the final dataset normally, which is the scaled variable. Now I'm using this code together with Shiny, but notice that the weights of the two criteria I did manually (I considered 0.5 for both), however, I would like the code to recognize the values I insert in the two numericInput, instead of this way: weights <- c(0.5,0.5).

Executable code below:


df1<-structure(list(nclusters = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35), Coverage = c(0.0363201192049018, 
0.0315198954715543, 0.112661460735583, 0.112661460735583, 0.112661460735583, 
0.0813721071219816, 0.0862146652218061, 0.0697995564757394, 0.0599194966471805, 
0.0507632014547115, 0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 
0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 0.0410332568832433, 
0.0389940601722214, 0.0441742111970355, 0.0441742111970355, 0.0441742111970355, 
0.0438099091238968, 0.0409906284310306, 0.0409906284310306, 0.035480410134286, 
0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 
0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 0.0345381204372174, 0.0287729883480053, 
0.0287729883480053), Production = c(1635156.04305, 474707.64025, 
170773.40775, 64708.312, 64708.312, 64708.312, 949.72635, 949.72635, 
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 
949.72635, 949.72635)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,-34L))

weights <- c(0.5,0.5) 

scaled <- df1 |>
  mutate(Coverage = min(Coverage) / Coverage,
         Production = Production / max(Production))

scaled <- scaled |>
  rowwise() |>
  mutate(`Performance Score` = weighted.mean(c(Coverage, Production), w = weights))

scaled$Rank <- (nrow(scaled)   1) - rank(scaled$`Performance Score`)

ui <- fluidPage(

  numericInput("weight1", label = h4("Weight 1"),
               min = 0, max = 1, value = ""),
  numericInput("weight2", label = h4("Weight 2"),
               min = 0, max = 1, value = ""),
  helpText("The sum of weights should be equal to 1"))),
           tabPanel("table", dataTableOutput('table'))))


server <- function(input, output,session) {
  observeEvent(input$weight1, {
    updateNumericInput(session, 'weight2',
                       value = 1 - input$weight1)

  output$table <- renderDataTable({
  datatable (scaled,options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all")),
                                            paging =TRUE,searching = FALSE, pageLength =  10,dom = 'tip',scrollX=TRUE),
               rownames = FALSE) 

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can simply wrap your data munging in reactive - I've disabled the second input to avoid circular references:


df1 <- structure(list(nclusters = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35), Coverage = c(0.0363201192049018, 0.0315198954715543,
0.112661460735583, 0.112661460735583, 0.112661460735583, 0.0813721071219816,
0.0862146652218061, 0.0697995564757394, 0.0599194966471805,
0.0507632014547115, 0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629,
0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 0.052076958349629, 0.0410332568832433,
0.0389940601722214, 0.0441742111970355, 0.0441742111970355,
0.0441742111970355, 0.0438099091238968, 0.0409906284310306,
0.0409906284310306, 0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286,
0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286, 0.035480410134286,
0.0345381204372174, 0.0287729883480053, 0.0287729883480053), Production =
c(1635156.04305, 474707.64025, 170773.40775, 64708.312, 64708.312, 64708.312,
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635,
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635,
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635,
949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635, 949.72635)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,-34L))

ui <- fluidPage(
             label = h4("Weight 1"),
             min = 0,
             max = 1,
             value = NA,
             step = 0.1
             label = h4("Weight 2"),
             min = 0,
             max = 1,
             value = NA,
             step = 0.1
           helpText("The sum of weights should be equal to 1")
           "table", DTOutput('table')

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  scaled <- reactive({
    weights <- c(req(input$weight1), req(input$weight2))
    scaled <- df1 |>
      mutate(Coverage = min(Coverage) / Coverage,
             Production = Production / max(Production))
    scaled <- scaled |>
      rowwise() |>
      mutate(`Performance Score` = weighted.mean(c(Coverage, Production), w = weights))
    scaled$Rank <- (nrow(scaled)   1) - rank(scaled$`Performance Score`)
  observeEvent(input$weight1, {
    freezeReactiveValue(input, "weight2")
    updateNumericInput(session, 'weight2', value = 1 - input$weight1)
  output$table <- renderDT({
      options = list(
        columnDefs = list(list(
          className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"
        paging = TRUE,
        searching = FALSE,
        pageLength =  10,
        dom = 'tip',
        scrollX = TRUE
      rownames = FALSE

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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